HP StorageWorks Replication Solutions Manager Command Line User Interface Reference (T3687-96029, August 2005)
abort Stops the job operation.
continue Resumes the job instance.
description Changes the job's description.
enable_schedule Enables the job schedule using the supplied scheduleid.
name Changes the name of the job.
pause Pauses the job instance.
run Runs the job.
mode Sets the run mode for the selected job. Use this switch with
the run switch to set the run mode to normal, validate,orskip
validation. The default value is normal.
nowait Launches the job without waiting for a job to co mplete.
wait Waits for the job to complete before returning the com mand
prompt. This is the default.
set managed[_set]|ms|mset <managed_set name>
[a[ddmember]|am=<member name>]
[h[ost]=<host name>]
[rem[ovemember]|rm=<member name>]
The SET MANAGED_SET command modifies the properties of a ma nage d set.
managed_set name Specifies the name of the managed set you want to modify.
addmember Adds a member to the managed set. The name must correspond
to a n object of the same type that is contained in the managed
set. For example, you can add a DR group only to a DR group
managed set. Use quotation marks if the name contains spaces.
comment Modifies the comment text for a managed set.
failover Commands the interface to failover all members of the m anaged
failsafe Enables failsafe mode for all memb ers of a managed set.
host Specifies the host name where the host volume exists. This
switch is required if the addmember switch is used.
name Renames the managed set. Use quotation marks if the na m e
contains spaces.
nofailsafe Disables the failsafe mode for all of the members of a managed
nosuspend Resumes replication for all m embers in the managed set.
removemember Removes a member from the managed set. Use quotation marks
if the name contains spaces.
HP StorageWorks Replication Solutions Manager Command Line User Interface reference