HP P6000 Replication Solutions Manager User Guide (T3680-96089, October 2012)
ValidateHost ($source_host)9
ValidateHost ($mount_host)10
ValidateSnapshotHostVolumeGroup ($source_VolumeGroup_unc1)11
$Rep1 = SnapshotHostVolumeGroup ($source_VolumeGroup_unc1, FULLY_ALLOCATED, SAME, WAIT) onerror
pauseat E1:
// Mount the replicated volume(s) on a host.15
$HV1 = CreateHostVolumeGroup ($source_VolumeGroup_unc1, $Rep1, $mount_host) onerror pauseat E2:16
$VG1 = MountEntireVolumeGroup ($HV1, $source_VolumeGroup_unc1, %VGcopyPrefix%) onerror pauseat
// Wait for user to initiate rollback.19
Pause ()20
// Rollback.22
E4: UnmountEntireVolumeGroup ($VG1) onerror pauseat E3:23
E3: DeleteHostVolumeGroup ($HV1) onerror pauseat E3:24
E2: DeleteStorageVolumes ($Rep1) onerror pauseat E2:26
Exit (SUCCESS)28
// Failure exit - no rollback needed.30
E1: Exit (FAILURE)31
Replicate host volumes (template)
Template summary
A. Locally replicates (copies) the storage volumes that underlie a host volume on an enabled host.
B. Pauses the job.
C. After continuing, deletes the storage volume copies from the storage system.
Template Options
• Number of volumes to replicate. Adds commands for each volume.
• Suspend source before replication. Adds launch commands for interacting with an enabled
host, for example to suspend and resume host application I/O.
• Use snapclone instead of snapshot. Generates a template that uses snapclone replication.
• Include e-mail notification. Adds a command for e-mail notification of the job instance status.
See SetNotificationPolicy.
208 Jobs