Mediainit Generic Problem Workaround document

Method II: Disable Online diagnostics before executing mediainit(1)
A. Disable using monconfig(1M)
1) Shutdown diagnostic with monconfig.
2) Check if the disk monitor process "disk_em" is still around (ps -aef | grep
3) Using mediainit(1) format the storage media.
4) After completion of format operation, re-start diagnostics with monconfig.
# /etc/opt/resmon/lbin/monconfig
=================== Event Monitoring Service =======
=================== Monitoring Request Manager =======
EMS Version : A.
STM Version : D.04.00
============== Monitoring Request Manager Main Menu ========
Note: Monitoring requests let you specify the events for monitors
to report and the notification methods to use.
(S)how monitoring requests configured via monconfig
(C)heck detailed monitoring status
(L)ist descriptions of available monitors
(A)dd a monitoring request
(D)elete a monitoring request
(M)odify an existing monitoring request
(E)nable Monitoring
(K)ill (disable) monitoring
Enter selection: [s] K
======================= Disable Monitoring ============
Hardware event monitoring watches the system for hardware
problems. If you shut this facility down, the system will no
longer be able to alert you to many hardware problems.