HP StorageWorks Fabric OS 6.2 administrator guide (5697-0016, May 2009)

Fabric OS 6.2 administrator guide 221
5. Use the firmwareShow command to check the current firmware version on connected switches.
Upgrade the firmware, if necessary, before proceeding with upgrading this switch.
See ”Connected switches” on page 216
6. Enter the haShow command to confirm that the two CP blades are synchronized. In the following
example, the active CP blade is CP0 and the standby CP blade is CP1:
switch:admin> hashow
Local CP (Slot 5, CP0): Active, Warm Recovered
Remote CP (Slot 6, CP1): Standby, Healthy
HA enabled, Heartbeat Up, HA State synchronized
CP blades must be synchronized and running Fabric OS 6.0.0 or later to provide a nondisruptive
download. If the two CP blades are not synchronized, enter the haSyncStart command to
synchronize them. If the CPs still are not synchronized, contact your switch service provider.
7. Enter the firmwareDownload command.
8. Respond to the prompts as follows:
9. At the Do you want to continue [y/n] prompt, enter y.
The firmware is downloaded to one CP blade at a time, beginning with the standby CP blade. During
the process, the active CP blade fails over. After the firmware is downloaded, a firmware commit starts
on both CP blades. The entire firmware download and commit process takes approximately 15
If an AP blade is present: At the point of the failover an autoleveling process is activated. Autoleveling is
triggered when the active CP detects a blade that contains a different version of the firmware,
regardless of which version is older. Autoleveling downloads firmware to the AP blade, swaps
partitions, reboots the blade, and copies the new firmware from the primary partition to the secondary
partition. If you have multiple AP blades, they are updated simultaneously; however, the downloads
can occur at different rates.
Auto-leveling takes place in parallel with the firmware download being performed on the CPs, but does
not impact performance. Fibre Channel traffic is not disrupted during auto-leveling, but GbE traffic on
AP blades may be affected.
Server Name
or IP Address
Enter the name or IP address of the FTP server, or SSH server for SCP, where the firmware
file is stored; for example, IPv6 and DNS are supported by
firmwareDownload in 5.3.0. If DNS is enabled and a server name instead of a server
IP address is specified in the command line, firmwareDownload determines whether
IPv4 or IPv6 should be used.
User name Enter the user name of your account on the server; for example, JaneDoe.
File name 6.0.0 or later: Specify the fully qualified path name of the firmware directory, for
example, /pub/v6.0.0. Absolute path names may be specified using forward slashes
Specify the file transfer protocol used to download the firmware from the file server. Valid
values are FTP and SCP. The Values are not case-sensitive. If -p is not specified,
firmwareDownload will determine the protocol automatically by checking the
config.security parameter on the switch.
Password Enter a password. This operand can be omitted if firmware is accessible through a local
directory, or if no password is required by the FTP server. This operand is required when
accessing an SSH server.