HP StorageWorks Fabric OS 5.2.x administrator guide (5697-0014, November 2009)

Fabric OS 5.2.x administrator guide 131
Figure 4 Fabric with AD0 and AD255
Admin domain access levels
Admin Domains offer a hierarchy of administrative access.
To manage Admin Domains, you must be a physical fabric administrator. A “physical fabric administrator
is a user with the Admin role and access to all Admin Domains (AD0 through AD255).
Other administrative access is determined by your defined RBAC role and AD membership. Your role
determines your access level and permission to perform an operation. Your AD membership determines the
fabric resources that you can operate on.
Table 39 lists each Admin Domain user type and describes its administrative access and capabilities.
Table 39 AD user types
User type Description
Physical Fabric
User account with Admin role and with access to all Admin Domains (AD0 through
Create and manage all Admin Domains. Only a physical fabric administrator can
perform Admin Domain configuration and management.
Assign other administrators or users to each Admin Domain.
Only a physical fabric administrator can create other physical fabric
Domain Users
Can be assigned to one or more Admin Domains.
Manage the resources within their Admin Domains.
If their role permits, can create user accounts and assign them to Admin Domains
in their list.
Cannot view other Admin Domain definitions. They can view only members of their
own Admin Domains.