HP StorageWorks Fabric OS 5.2.x administrator guide (5697-0014, November 2009)

128 Managing administrative domains
Figure 2 Fabric with two admin domains
Figure 3 shows how users get a filtered view of this fabric, depending on which Admin Domain they are in.
Users can see all switches and E_Ports in the fabric, regardless of their Admin Domain; however, the switch
ports and end devices are filtered based on Admin Domain membership.
Figure 3 Filtered fabric views
Admin domain features
Admin Domains allow you to:
Define the scope of an Admin Domain to encompass ports and devices within a switch or a fabric.
Share resources across multiple Admin Domains. For example, you can share array ports and tape
drives between multiple departments. One of the storage devices is shared between AD1 and AD2,
see Figure 2.
Have a separate zone database for each Admin Domain. See ”Admin Domains, zones, and zone
databases” on page 146 for more information.
Fabric Visible to AD2 User
Fabric Visible to AD1 User