HP StorageWorks Fabric Manager 5.2.0a Release Notes (5697-6482, February 2007)

To start Fabric Manager
1. Open a browser window and type the Fabric Manager server hostname or IP address in the
Address field; for example:
If, when the Fabric Manager ser ver was installed, a Fabric Manager web server por t number was
specified (instead of the default 80), you must specify the port number after the hostname or IP
address. In th e following examples, 8080 is the web server port number:
2. Follow the instructions in the Fabric Manager introduction window to complete the launch.
Installation notes
If you are upg
rading from a previous version of Fabric Manager, see the Fabric Manager
or’s Guide for complete upgrade information.
The client and server soft ware polls different fabric information directly, so the client and server
must be able to access each switch through an IP connection. Ensure that the network environment
does not have proxy server or firewall installations between the client and the server and the
switches. I
f one exists, ensure that proper rules are set up to allow access. See the Brocade Fabric
Manager Administrator’s Guide for additional information.
Although multiple paths do not affect functionality, they could result in other applications being
unable to add additional path names because some operating systems have a limit on how long
the system PATH can be. If you experience this issue, manually e dit the system PATH to include
only one F
abric Mana ger Client director y.
YoumustchoosetheSANsizeduringinstallationofFabricManager5.2.0a. SeetheBrocade
Fabric Manager Administrator’s Guide for additional information.
If you install Fabric Manager server on a Windows host that has antivirus software, you must
disable the antivirus software during installation.
Fabric Manager server on a dedicated machine that is not running a ny other server
applications, such as another database server.
Operating systems that are running on top of any virtualization software (such as VMWare or
Microsoft Virtual server) are not supported.
Manager 5.2.0a is supported on Japanese, German, and other non-English operating
ms. Most of the displayed text is in English, even though message strings a nd dates may
appear in the local language.
Important notes
This section lists information that you should consider before using Fabric Manag er 5. 2.0a. See the
Brocade Fabric Manager Administrator’s Guide for details on the following features.
Device Diagnostic wizard
The D evice D iagnostic wizard might hang when you start to run an analysis. If this happens, restart the
Fabric Manager ser ver. You can do this from the Services tab in the server Management Console.