Brocade Fabric OS MIB Reference - Supporting Fabric OS 5.3.0 (53-1000439-01, June 2007)

48 Fabric OS MIB Reference
This object is an alias name for the interface as specified by a network manager, and provides a
non-volatile handle for the interface. On the first instantiation of an interface, the value of ifAlias
associated with that interface is the zero-length string. As and when a value is written into an
instance of ifAlias through a network management set operation, then the agent must retain the
supplied value in the ifAlias instance associated with the same interface for as long as that
interface remains instantiated, including across all re-initializations/reboots of the network
management system, including those which result in a change of the interfaces ifIndex value. An
example of the value which a network manager might store in this object for a WAN interface is the
(Telcos) circuit number/identifier of the interface. Some agents may support write-access only for
interfaces having particular values of iftype. An agent which supports write access to this object is
required to keep the value in non-volatile storage, but it may limit the length of new values
depending on how much storage is already occupied by the current values for other interfaces."
Not supported.
The value of sysUpTime on the most recent occasion at which any one or more of this interfaces
counters suffered a discontinuity. The relevant counters are the specific instances associated with
this interface of any Counter32 or Counter64 object contained in the iftable or ifXTable. If no such
discontinuities have occurred since the last re-initialization of the local management subsystem,
then this object contains a zero value.
Not supported.