HP StorageWorks Fabric OS 5.3.1a release notes (AA-RWEYJ-TE, May 2008)

Topic Description
Enterprise storage array targets may not show up consistently in the disk
management window of an iSCSI initiator when the same LUNs are mapped
to two different virtual targets (VTs). When the initiator logs in to the VTs, the
targets keep disappearing from the disk management window. If the session
to one of the VTs is disconnected, the remaining VT appears and stabilizes in
the disk man agement window.
Under cer tain conditions, hosts on an I P net work may not be able to issue
a ping command to iSCSI gateway ports in another subnet. You can work
around this problem by issuing a ping c omm and from the iSCSI gateway
port. The hosts will then be able to successfully issue ping commands to the
iSCSI gateway port.
An IP network d isconnection lasting vesecondsormoremaycauseCOPA
failure on the disconnected PC, which in turn may cause a loss of connection
to an enterprise storage array
If trafc is run from hosts to certain targets with severe impairment conditions
in the IP network for hours at time, throughput to the targets will drop, and may
take up to 10 minutes to recover after the impairment condition is removed.
Note that this problem is highly intermittent, and is unlikely to be seen in a
customer environment. We believe that this issue is the result of host/target
interaction, and is not the result of action on the iSCSI gateway.
A Microsoft windows PC host was unable to discover enterprise storage array
LUNs. The Microsoft iSCSI initiator is able to discover targets if the software is
uninstalled and reinstalled without the MPIO option.
Broadcast Zones
In F
abric OS 5.3.0 and later, a zone with the name “broadcast (case-sensitive)
is a
special zone for setting up recipients of broadcast packets. In Fabric OS
sions earlier than 5.3.0, a zone named “broadcast” does not have special
gnicance. Therefore, you must make sure that if a broadcast zone is congured,
failover might change the zone conguration.
Faulty SFPs
External port with a faulty SFP will be disabled, then enabled once good SFP is
inserted. However, port will still show as faulty even though it is healthy. To get
the correct "healthy" indication, after enabling the port with the good SFP, remove
and re-insert it and the port will then show as healthy.
FC Fast Write
Note the following important information when using FC Fast Write:
Only World Wide Name ( WWN) zone (including normal zone and FC Fast
Write zone) is supported on FC Fast Write enabled port.
Only single device loop port is supported.
NPIV (example Access Gateway) port is not supported.
FCR backbone devices are not supported. That is FC Fast Write should not
be enabled on backbone devices.
FCR edge to edge support is limited by all the target devices on given edge
fabric that host talks to should be connected to a 400 MP Router or B-Series
MP Router Blade in FC Fast Write mode. FC Fast Write should not be enabled
on ports when testing the remote mirror application.
When a very high volume of trafc is being sent by host, FC Fast Write IOs
may time out and frame may be dropped.
Within the context of FC Fast Write, L_Port is not supported in Fabric OS
5.3.0 and later.
Web Tools
When th e regional language is set to anything other th an English, Brazilian
Simplied Chinese or Spanish, Web Tools may not nish loading when
connecting to a switch running FOS 5.3.0, 5.3.0a or 5.3.0b. The Switch Explorer
progress bar hangs while initializing switch details. This problem is overcome by
changing the regional settings for th e operating system to English and re-loading
Web Tools or by upgrading to 5.3.0c or later.