Fabric OS MIB Reference v6.4.0 (53-1001768-01, June 2010)

276 Fabric OS MIB Reference
Unsupported tables
0 = High order major revision number
1 = Low order major revision number
2 = High order minor revision number
3 = Low order minor revision number
The value is stored as an ASCII value. The following is the current value of this object.
0 = 0
1 = 3
2 = 0
3 = 0
This defines a revision of 03.00.
Set to 0300.
Unsupported tables
The Connectivity Unit Port Statistics Fabric Table (connUnitPortStatTable) is supported in v6.0, v5.x,
and v2.6.1.
Brocade does not support the following:
Connectivity Unit Port Statistics Hub Table
Connectivity Unit Port Statistics SCSI Table
Connectivity Unit Port Statistics LAN/WAN Table
FibreAlliance MIB traps
Enterprise fcmgmt
Variables connUnitStatus, connUnitState
The overall status of the connectivity unit has changed.
Recommended severity level (for filtering)- alert.
Generated when connUnitStatus changes. Refer to “connUnitStatus” on
page 239 for a description of how the value is calculated.
Sample trap output for Fabric OS v6.1.0.
connUnitStatus. = warning(4)
connUnitState. = offline(3)
Refer to the Fabric Watch Administrator’s Guide on how the switch status is determined.
Enterprise fcmgmt