Brocade Web Tools Administrator's Guide (53-1000606-01, October 2007)

Web Tools Administrator’s Guide 221
Configuring an authentication policy
6. Click OK.
Authentication policies are distributed only if all the selected switches accept the distribution. Only
the policy mode is distributed to the selected switches. The switch initiating the distribution must
accept distribution.
Re-authenticating policies
A user who has changed authentication policy parameters or a shared secret key pair can
re-initialize the authentication.
1. Click a port in the Switch View to open the Port Administration window
The Port Administration window appears with the port selected.
2. Click the Re-Authenticate button.
3. Close the window.
Setting a shared secret key pair
DH-CHAP requires a shared secret key pair between two entities to authenticate with each other. A
key pair consists of a local secret and a peer secret. The local secret identifies the local switch. The
peer secret identifies the entity to which the local switch may authenticate.
1. Open the Switch Administration window as described on page 29.
2. Click the Security Policies tab.
3. Click Authentication on the Security Policies menu.
4. Click the Shared Secret Keys subtab.
5. Click Add.
FIGURE 103 Add Shared Secret Keys window