Brocade Fabric OS MIB Reference Guide v6.0.0 (53-1000602-01, April 2008)

62 Fabric OS MIB Reference
An entry containing physical level status and parameters of an Fx_Port.
The desired state of the Fx_Port. A management station might place the Fx_Port in a desired state
by setting this object accordingly.
Values Possible values are:
1: online(1)
2: offline(2)
3: testing(3)
The testing state (3) indicates that no operational frames can be passed. When a fabric element
initializes, all Fx_Ports start with fcFxPortPhysAdminStatus in the offline state (2). As the result of
either explicit management action or per configuration information accessible by the fabric
element, fcFxPortPhysAdminStatus is then changed to either the online (1) or testing (3) states or
remains in the offline state (2).
The current operational status of the Fx_Port.
Values Possible values are:
1: online(1)
2: offline(2)
3: testing(3)
4: linkFailure(4)
The testing state (3) indicates that no operational frames can be passed. If
fcFxPortPhysAdminStatus is offline (2), then fcFxPortPhysOperStatus should be offline (2). If
fcFxPortPhysAdminStatus is changed to online (1), then fcFxPortPhysOperStatus should change to
online (1) if the Fx_Port is ready to accept fabric login request from the attached Nx_Port; it should
proceed and remain in the linkFailure (4) state only if there is a fault that prevents it from going to
the online state (1).
The value of sysUpTime at the time the Fx_Port entered its current operational status. A value of 0
indicates that the Fx_Port operational status has not changed since the agent last restarted.