Brocade Fabric OS MIB Reference Guide v6.0.0 (53-1000602-01, April 2008)

54 Fabric OS MIB Reference
Definitions for FIBRE-CHANNEL-FE-MIB
Definitions for FIBRE-CHANNEL-FE-MIB
Table 7 lists the definitions for fcFeMIB.
Type Definition Value Description
Display string Octet string of size 0 to 255 Represents textual information taken from the NVT ASCII
character set, as defined in pages 4, 10-11 of RFC 854.
Milliseconds Integer from 0 to 2147383647 Represents time unit value in milliseconds.
Microseconds Integer from 0 to 2147383647 Represents time unit value in microseconds.
FcNameId Octet string of size 8 World Wide Name or Fibre Channel name associated with an
FC entity. It is a Network_Destination_ID or Network_Source_ID
composed of a value up to 60 bits wide, occupying the
remaining 8 bytes while the first nibble identifies the format of
the Name_Identifier.
Name_Identifier hex values:
0 (ignored)
1 (IEEE 48-bit address)
2 (IEEE extended)
3 (locally assigned)
4 (32-bit IP address)
FabricName Octet string of size 8 The name identifier of a fabric. Each fabric provides a unique
fabric name.
Valid formats include:
FcPortName Octet string of size 8 The name identifier associated with a port.
Valid formats include:
IEEE extended
FcAddressId Octet string of size 3 A 24-bit value unique within the address space of a fabric.
FcRxDataFieldSize Integer from 128 to 2112 Receive data field size of an Nx_Port or Fx_Port.
FcBbCredit Integer from 0 to 32767 Buffer-to-buffer credit of an Nx_Port or Fx_Port.
FcphVersion Integer from 0 to 255 Version of FC-PH supported by an Nx_Port or Fx_Port.
FcStackedConnMode Integer from 1 to 3 Indicates the Class 1 Stacked Connect Mode supported by an
Nx_Port or Fx_Port.
1 (none)
2 (transparent)
3 (lockedDown)
FcCosCap Integer from 1 to 127 Class of service capability of an Nx_Port or Fx_Port.
bit 0 (Class F)
bit 1 (Class 1)
bit 2 (Class 2)
bit 3 (Class 3)
bit 4 (Class 4)
bit 5 (Class 5)
bit 6 (Class 6)
bit 7 (reserved for future)