Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference Manual v6.2.0 (53-1001186-01, April 2009)

Fabric OS Command Reference 593
-z size Specifies the size, in bytes, of the trace route packet to use. The default is 64
bytes. In an IPv4 environment, the ICMP/IP header occupies 28 bytes. In an
IPv6 environment, it occupies 48 bytes. The total size, including ICMP/IP
headers (28 or 48 bytes without IP options), cannot be greater than the IP
MTU configured on the interface. This operand is optional.
-v vlan_id Specifies the VLAN ID. Values must be in the range of 1 - 4094. There is no
default value. Note that a VLAN tag entry must exist on the local and remote
sides prior to issuing the -v option. A VLAN Tag table entry is dynamically
maintained by the ipperf application. See the portCfg help page for details on
creating a VLAN tag table.
-c L2 Class-of-Service
Specifies Class of Service/Priority, as defined by IEEE 802.1p. Values must
be in the range 0 to 7. The default is 0. This operand is optional. with the -v
Examples To verify if packets can be sent to the destination IP address with maximum wait_time specified:
switch:admin> portcmd --ping 12/ge0 -s 2007:7:30:32:227:138:10:120 -d \
2007:7:30:32:227:77:0:60 -w 29000
Pinging 2007:7:30:32:227:77:0:60 from ip interface 2007:7:30:32:227:138:10:120
on 12/ge0 with 64
bytes of data
Reply from 2007:7:30:32:227:77:0:60: bytes=64 rtt=0ms ttl=255
Reply from 2007:7:30:32:227:77:0:60: bytes=64 rtt=1ms ttl=255
Reply from 2007:7:30:32:227:77:0:60: bytes=64 rtt=0ms ttl=255
Reply from 2007:7:30:32:227:77:0:60: bytes=64 rtt=0ms ttl=255
Ping Statistics for 2007:7:30:32:227:77:0:60:
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Loss = 0 ( 0 percent loss)
Min RTT = 0ms, Max RTT = 1ms Average = 0ms
To trace the IP router hops used to reach the remote (with packet size specified):
switch:admin> portcmd --traceroute 12/ge0 -s 2007:7:30:32:227:138:10:120 -d
2007:7:30:32:227:77:0:60 -z 1452
Traceroute to 2007:7:30:32:227:77:0:60 from IP interface
2007:7:30:32:227:138:10:120 on 12/0, 30
hops max
1 1 ms 0 ms 0 ms
Traceroute complete.
To verify if packets can be sent to the destination IP address using VLAN tagging with the -c option.
switch:admin> portcmd --ping 8/ge0 –s d –v 10 –c 3
To trace the IP router hops used to reach the remote host using VLAN tagging with the -c option.
switch:admin> portcmd --traceroute 8/ge0 –s –d –v 10
To set the path characteristic to source mode on the remote host using VLAN tagging with the -c
switch:admin> portcmd --ipperf 8/ge0 –s –d –S –v 10 –c 3
See Also portCfg, portShow