Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference Manual v6.2.0 (53-1001186-01, April 2009)

590 Fabric OS Command Reference
Diagnoses intelligent ports.
Synopsis portcmd action [slot/]geport arguments
Description Use this command to invoke the end-to-end IP path performance (ipperf) characterization feature,
or to ping or trace route to a destination IP host from an intelligent GbE port.
Notes Virtual LAN (VLAN) tagging is supported on the Brocade FR4-18i and all 7500 platforms that run
Fabric OS v6.0.0 or later. To ensure that test traffic traverses the same path as real FCIP traffic
would, portCmd supports the VLAN settings as an option. Note that a VLAN tag entry must exist
prior to issuing the --ping or --traceroute commands; this includes both the local and remote
sides. A VLAN Tag table entry is dynamically maintained by the ipperf application.
End-to-end path characterization is not supported if there exists an IPSec-enabled tunnel using the
same source/local IP address.
The execution of this command is subject to Virtual Fabric or Admin Domain restrictions that may
be in place. Refer to chapter 1, "Using Fabric OS commands" and Appendix A, "Command
Availability" for details.
Operands This command has the following operands:
slot For bladed systems only, specify the slot number of the port to be configured,
followed by a slash (/).
ge port Specifies the port number of the GbE port on the blade.
--ipperf Determines the path characteristics to the remote host. Valid arguments and
their values include:
-s src_ip Specifies the local IP address to use for sourcing the probe packets. ipperf
will not start if there exists an IPSec-enabled tunnel using the same source IP
address. IPv6 addresses are supported.
-d dst_ip Specifies the destination IP address to which to probe the IP router path. IPv6
addresses are supported.
-S Specifies the source mode to initiate the TCP connection. The source
end-point generates a traffic stream and reports the end-to-end IP path
characteristics from this end-point to the receiver end-point sink.
-R Specifies the sink mode to accept the new connection. The end-to-end path
characteristics are not reported.
-i interval Specifies the intervals between polling and displaying statistics, in seconds. If
the duration is less than -t running_time, the statistics displays only once, at
the conclusion of the test. This operand is optional.
-p port Specifies the TCP port number for the listener end-point. This operand is
-q diffserv Specifies the DSCP (DiffServ Code Point) marking used for the TCP
connection. This operand accepts values between 0 and 63 (inclusive). The
default value is 0.