Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference Manual v6.2.0 (53-1001186-01, April 2009)
Fabric OS Command Reference 551
To enable Fastwrite and read/write Tape Pipelining on an existing tunnel:
switch:admin> portcfg fciptunnel ge1 modify 0 -f 1
To create a tunnel with Byte Streaming enabled:
switch:admin> portcfg fciptunnel ge0 create 0 90000 -f -bstr
To enable Byte Streaming on an existing tunnel:
switch:admin> portcfg fciptunnel ge0 modify 0 -bstr 1
To create an IP interface using IPv4:
switch:admin> portcfg ipif 4/ge0 create 1500
Operation Succeeded
To create an IP interface using IPv6 with a prefix:
switch:admin> portcfg ipif 8/ge0 create 2000::800:3333:1234/64 1500
Operation Succeeded
To create a static IP route using IPv4:
switch:admin> portcfg iproute ge0 create 1
Operation Succeeded
To create a static IP route using IPv6:
switch:admin> portcfg iproute 8/ge0 create 3000:4444:800::3456/64 1080::8:800:200C:1234
To create a mirror port:
switch:admin> portcfg mirrorport 2/4 --enable
Please confirm enable of Mirror Port (Y,y,N,n): [n] y
To configure a range of ports as RSCN-suppressed:
switch:admin> portcfg rscnsupr 2/4-7 --enable
To add an entry to the VLAN tag table.
switch:admin> portcfg vlantag8/ge0 add 100 3
To delete the entry from the VLAN tag table:
switch:admin> portcfg vlantag8/ge0 delete 100
To configure an FCIP Tunnel 1 with FICON XRC and FICON write Tape Pipelining emulation features
enabled using all default parameter arguments:
switch:admin> portcfg ficon ge0 1 -x 1 -w 1
To configure FTRACE with ACo disabled and FTRACE enabled on port ge0/tunnel 3:
switch:admin> portcfg ftrace ge0 3 cfg -a 0 -e 1 -p 5 -s 00000003 -t ffffffff
To delete the FTRACE on the same port/tunnel:
switch:admin> portcfg ftrace ge0 3 del