Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference Manual v6.2.0 (53-1001186-01, April 2009)

Fabric OS Command Reference 271
Blower [unit number]
The Blower.
FRU Part Number Displays the FRU part number.
FRU Serial Number Displays the FRU serial number.
Incident Count Displays the incident count. This number increases by 1 for each incident
within the individual switch.
Link Incident Description
Same as Link Incident Type.
Link Incident Type Indicates the link incident type as one of the following:
Bit-error-rate threshold exceeded
Loss of signal or synchronization
NOS recognized
Primitive sequence timeout
Invalid primitive sequence for port state
Listener PID Same as PID.
Listener Port Type Same as Port Type.
Listener Port WWN Displays the channel HBA port World Wide Name.
Listener Type Indicates the listener type as follows:
This port receives a link incident record if no other recipients from the
established registration list have been chosen.
This port is always chosen as a recipient of a link incident record.
Manufacturer Displays the manufacturer name or code.
Model Number Displays the model number.
Node Parameters Same as Parameters.
Parameters Displays the node type for the switch in three bytes, 0xAABBCC:
Byte AA 0x20 FC-SB-2 and updates.
Byte BB 0x0a Switch.
Byte CC 0x00 Port number. It is dynamically assigned whenever a link incident occurs.
Parm Displays the incident node parameters type in three bytes, 0xAABBCC:
Byte AA 0x00 Reserved.
0x20 FC-SB-2 and updates.
0x40 Other FC-4s including FCP and updates.
0x60 FC-SB-2 and updates and other FC-4s including FCP and updates.
0x80 FC-4 support not specified.
0xa0 Reserved.
0xc0 Reserved.