Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference Manual v6.2.0 (53-1001186-01, April 2009)

Fabric OS Command Reference 265
Sets FICON-CUP parameters for a switch.
Synopsis ficoncupset fmsmode enable | disable
ficoncupset modereg bitname 0 | 1
ficoncupset MIHPTO seconds
Description Use this command to set FICON-CUP (Control Unit Port) parameters for a switch. All parameters can
be set while the switch is online. Changes made by this command take effect immediately. A reboot
is not required.
Use ficonCupShow to display current settings.
Notes FICON Management Server (FMS) mode cannot be enabled if port ID (PID) Format 2 is used.
The execution of this command is subject to Virtual Fabric or Admin Domain restrictions that may
be in place. Refer to chapter 1, "Using Fabric OS commands" and Appendix A, "Command
Availability" for details.
Operands This command has the following operands:
fmsmode Enables or disables the FICON Management Server (FMS) mode for the
modereg Set a bit in the FICON-CUP mode register. The following operands are
bitname 0|1 Specifies a given bit value to be (1) set or not set (0). Valid values for bitname
POSC Programmed offline state control
UAM User alert mode
ASMA Active=saved mode
DCAM Director clock alert mode
ACP Alternate control prohibited
HCP Host control prohibited
MIHPTO Sets the missing interrupt handler primary timeout (MIHPTO) value for the
CUP. The following operand is required:
seconds Specifies the timeout value in seconds. Provide a decimal value in the range
between 15 and 600 seconds. The default timeout value is 180 seconds. If a
value greater than 63 seconds is specified, the timeout value is rounded
down to the closest value divisible by 10. For example, an MIHPTO timeout
value of 86 defaults to 80.
Examples To enable FMS mode for the switch:
switch:admin> ficoncupset fmsmode enable
fmsmode for the switch is now Enabled