Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference Manual v6.2.0 (53-1001186-01, April 2009)

258 Fabric OS Command Reference
Operands This command has the following operands:
fcrxlateconfig Sets the preferred domain ID (1-239) to preferredDomainID for the translate
phantom domain and saves the configuration persistently. The translate
domain must be inactive to set the preferred domain ID. The following
operands are required:
importedFID Specifies the fabric ID (1 through 128) of the fabric that contains the
translate domain.
exportedFID Specifies the fabric ID (1 through 128) of the remote fabric represented by
this translate domain.
Specifies the preferred domain ID (1 through 239) of the translate phantom
--remove | -r Removes the preferred domain ID of the translate phantom domain. The
translate domain must be inactive to remove the preferred domain ID. The
following operands are required:
importedFID Specifies the fabric ID (1 through 128) of the fabric that contains the
translate domain.
exportedFID Specifies the fabric ID (1 through 128) of the remote fabric represented by
this translate domain.
Specifies the preferred domain ID (1 through 239) of the translate phantom.
--enable persistxd
Enables translate domain persistence. When persistxd is enabled, the
translate domain is created based on the persistent translate domain ID
configuration. If a valid persistent translate domain ID is configured for a
given importedFID and exportedFID pair, a translate domain for the
exportedFID is created, even if no devices need to be imported or exported
across the edge fabrics represented by importedFID and exportedFID. By
default, persistxd is enabled.
--disable persistxd
Disables translate domain persistence. When persistxd is disabled, the
translate domain is not created, even if a valid persistent translate domain ID
is configured for the importedFID and exportedFID pair, so long as no devices
are imported or exported across the edge fabrics represented by importedFID
and exportedFID. Once devices need to be imported or exported across the
edge fabrics, the translate domain is created.
Examples To display the translate domain configuration and the state of the persistxd parameter:
switch:admin> fcrxlateconfig
ImportedFid ExportedFid Domain OwnerDid XlateWWN
001 002 004 000001 N/A
001 005 003 N/A 50:00:51:e1:30:30:0f:05
Persist XD state: Enabled