Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference Manual v6.2.0 (53-1001186-01, April 2009)

Fabric OS Command Reference 177
Distributes data to switches in a fabric.
Synopsis distribute -p policy_list -d switch_list
Description Use this command to distribute data to a specified list of switches in the fabric. The distributed
data must be from the list of currently supported policy sets:
SCC Switch Connection Control Policy
DCC Device Connection Control Policy
PWD Password Database and Password Configuration Policy
AUTH E_Port and F_Port Authentication Policy
FCS Fabric Configuration Server Policy
IPFILTER IP-Filter Policy
Each supported database has a switch-local configuration parameter that controls whether the
database can be distributed and accepts distributions. Use the fddCfg command to view and
modify these parameters.
Notes IP-Filter and password policies cannot be distributed with the distribute command in a Virtual
Fabric environment.
Data from a switch running pre-v6.2.0 firmware will be rejected by a v6.2.0 switch.
If executed on pre-v5.3,0 switches, the command generates an error for security policies such as
FCS, AUTH and IPFILTER, because these policies are not supported prior to Fabric OS v.5.3.0.
The execution of this command is subject to Virtual Fabric or Admin Domain restrictions that may
be in place. Refer to chapter 1, "Using Fabric OS commands" and Appendix A, "Command
Availability" for details.
Operands This command has the following operands:
-p policy_list Specify the list of policy sets, also called security databases, to be distributed.
policy_list is a semicolon-separated list. Valid values include SCC, DCC, PWD,
-d switch_list Specify the list of switches that should receive the data distribution. The
switch_list is a semicolon-separated list of one of the following:
switch domain IDs
switch names
switch WWNs
A wildcard (*) may be specified to include all switches in the fabric that
support the distribute feature. Switches running firmware earlier than v5.3.
ignore the AUTH, FCS, and IPFILTER policies.
When specifying new policies in the policy list and a wildcard (*) is used, then
switches prior to v5.3.0 ignore the new policies. If a wildcard (* is not
specified, then all domains should be v5.3.0 or later; otherwise distribute