Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference Manual v6.2.0 (53-1001186-01, April 2009)

Fabric OS Command Reference 123
- Group leader node name: Node WWN
- Encryption group state: CONVERGED = Encryption group formed successfully.
CONVERGING = Encryption group partially formed, member nodes may still be in discovery
process. DEGRADED = Nodes lost connection with the group.
For each node in the encryption group, the following information is displayed:
- Node name: WWN
- IP address: Node IP address
- Role: GroupLeader or MemberNode
Use --show -groupmember to display encryption group member information for one or all member
nodes. Depending on the key vault configuration, the command displays master key information
(RKM) or link key information (LKM).
Node List (displayed only with the --all option)
- Total number of defined nodes:
- Group leader node name: Node WWN
- Encryption group state: CONVERGED = Encryption group formed successfully.
CONVERGING = Encryption group partially formed, member nodes may still be in discovery
process. DEGRADED = Nodes lost connection with the group.
For each node, the display includes the following:
- Node Name: WWN
- State: DISCOVERED = The node is part of the encryption group.
DISCOVERING = The node is in the process of discovery.
- Role: GroupLeader or MemberNode
- IP address: Node IP address
- Certificate: Node CP certificate name (user-defined)
- Current master key (or link key) state: Not configured, Saved, Created, Propagated, Valid,
or Invalid.
- Current master key ID (or link key ID): Shows key ID or zero if not configured.
- Alternate master key (or link key) state: Not configured, Saved, Created, Propagated, Valid,
or Invalid.
- Alternate master key ID (or link key ID): Shows key ID or zero if not configured
For each encryption engine, the command displays the following:
- EE slot number
- SP state: see the appendix in the Admin Guide.
- Current master key ID (if RKM is configured) or primary link key ID (if LKM is configured).
- Alternate master key ID (if RKM is configured) or secondary link keyID (if LKM is
- HA cluster name to which this encryption engine belongs, or “No HA cluster membership”.