Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference Guide v6.1.0 (53-1000599-02, June 2008)
Table Of Contents
- Contents
- About This Document
- Using Fabric OS Commands
- Fabric OS Commands
- aaaConfig
- ad
- ag
- agshow
- aliAdd
- aliCreate
- aliDelete
- aliRemove
- aliShow
- aptPolicy
- auditCfg
- authUtil
- bannerSet
- bannerShow
- bcastShow
- bladeBeacon
- bladeDisable
- bladeEnable
- burninErrClear
- burninErrShow
- burninLevel
- burninStatus
- cfgActvShow
- cfgAdd
- cfgClear
- cfgCreate
- cfgDelete
- cfgDisable
- cfgEnable
- cfgMcdtmode
- cfgRemove
- cfgSave
- cfgSaveActiveToDefined
- cfgShow
- cfgSize
- cfgTransAbort
- cfgTransShow
- chassisConfig
- chassisName
- chassisShow
- cliHistory
- configDefault
- configDownload
- configList
- configRemove
- configShow
- configUpload
- configure
- dataTypeShow
- date
- dbgShow
- defZone
- diagClearError
- diagDisablePost
- diagEnablePost
- diagHelp
- diagPost
- diagRetry
- diagSetBurnin
- diagSetCycle
- diagShow
- diagSkipTests
- diagStopBurnin
- dbgShow
- distribute
- dlsReset
- dlsSet
- dlsShow
- dnsConfig
- enclosureShow
- errClear
- errDelimiterSet
- errDump
- errFilterSet
- errModuleShow
- errShow
- exit
- fabPortShow
- fabRetryShow
- fabricLog
- fabricPrincipal
- fabricShow
- fabStatsShow
- fabSwitchShow
- fanDisable
- fanEnable
- fanShow
- fastboot
- fastwritecfg
- fcipChipTest
- fcipHelp
- fcipPathTest
- fcLunQuery
- fcPing
- fcpLogClear
- fcpLogDisable
- fcpLogEnable
- fcpLogShow
- fcpProbeShow
- fcpRlsShow
- fcrBcastConfig
- fcrChipTest
- fcrConfigure
- fcrFabricShow
- fcrLsanCount
- fcrLsanMatrix
- fcrPathTest
- fcrPhyDevShow
- fcrProxyConfig
- fcrProxyDevShow
- fcrResourceShow
- fcrRouterPortCost
- fcrRouteShow
- fcrXlateConfig
- fddCfg
- fdmiCacheShow
- fdmiShow
- ficonClear
- ficonCupSet
- ficonCupShow
- ficonHelp
- ficonShow
- fipsCfg
- firmwareCommit
- firmwareDownload
- firmwareDownloadStatus
- firmwareKeyShow
- firmwareKeyUpdate
- firmwareRestore
- firmwareShow
- fosConfig
- fruReplace
- fspfShow
- fwAlarmsFilterSet
- fwAlarmsFilterShow
- fwClassInit
- fwConfigReload
- fwConfigure
- fwFruCfg
- fwHelp
- fwMailCfg
- fwPortDetailShow
- fwSamShow
- fwSet
- fwSetToCustom
- fwSetToDefault
- fwShow
- h
- haDisable
- haDump
- haEnable
- haFailover
- haShow
- haSyncStart
- haSyncStop
- help
- historyLastShow
- historyMode
- historyShow
- httpCfgShow
- i
- iclCfg
- ifModeSet
- ifModeShow
- interfaceShow
- interopMode
- iodDelayReset
- iodDelaySet
- iodDelayShow
- iodReset
- iodSet
- iodShow
- ipAddrSet
- ipAddrShow
- ipfilter
- iscsiCfg
- iscsiChipTest
- iscsiHelp
- iscsiPathTest
- iscsiPortCfg
- iscsiSessionCfg
- iscsiSwCfg
- islShow
- isnscCfg
- itemList
- killTelnet
- ldapCfg
- licenseAdd
- licenseHelp
- licenseIdShow
- licensePort
- licenseRemove
- licenseShow
- linkCost
- login
- logout
- lsanZoneShow
- lsDbShow
- memShow
- miniCycle
- msCapabilityShow
- msConfigure
- msPlatShow
- msPlatShowDBCB
- msPlClearDB
- msPlMgmtActivate
- msPlMgmtDeactivate
- msTdDisable
- msTdEnable
- msTdReadConfig
- myId
- nbrStateShow
- nbrStatsClear
- nodeFind
- nsAliasShow
- nsAllShow
- nsCamShow
- nsShow
- nsZoneMember
- passwd
- passwdCfg
- pathInfo
- pdShow
- perfAddEEMonitor
- perfAddIPMonitor
- perfAddReadMonitor
- perfAddRWMonitor
- perfAddSCSIMonitor
- perfAddUserMonitor
- perfAddWriteMonitor
- perfCfgClear
- perfCfgRestore
- perfCfgSave
- perfClearAlpaCrc
- perfDelEEMonitor
- perfDelFilterMonitor
- perfHelp
- perfMonitorClear
- perfMonitorShow
- perfSetPortEEMask
- perfShowAlpaCrc
- perfShowPortEEMask
- perfTTmon
- pkiCreate
- pkiRemove
- pkiShow
- policy
- portAlpaShow
- portBufferShow
- portCamShow
- portCfg
- portCfgAlpa
- portCfgCreditRecovery
- portCfgDefault
- portCfgEPort
- portCfgEXPort
- portCfgGPort
- portCfgISLMode
- portCfgLongDistance
- portCfgLPort
- portCfgNPIVPort
- portCfgNPort
- portCfgPersistentDisable
- portCfgPersistentEnable
- PortCfgQos
- portCfgShow
- portCfgSpeed
- portCfgTrunkPort
- portCfgVEXPort
- portCmd
- portDebug
- portDisable
- portEnable
- portErrShow
- portFlagsShow
- portLedTest
- portLogClear
- portLogConfigShow
- portLogDisable
- portLogDump
- portLogDumpPort
- portLogEnable
- portLogEventShow
- portLoginShow
- portLogPdisc
- portLogReset
- portLogResize
- portLogShow
- portLogShowPort
- portLogTypeDisable
- portLogTypeEnable
- portLoopbackTest
- portMirror
- portName
- portPerfShow
- portRouteShow
- portShow
- portStats64Show
- portStatsClear
- portStatsShow
- portSwap
- portSwapDisable
- portSwapEnable
- portSwapShow
- portTest
- portTestShow
- portTrunkArea
- portZoneShow
- powerOffListSet
- powerOffListShow
- psShow
- reboot
- routeHelp
- secActiveSize
- secAuthSecret
- secCertUtil
- secDefineSize
- secGlobalShow
- secHelp
- secPolicyAbort
- secPolicyActivate
- secPolicyAdd
- secPolicyCreate
- secPolicyDelete
- secPolicyDump
- secPolicyFCSMove
- secPolicyRemove
- secPolicySave
- secPolicyShow
- secStatsReset
- secStatsShow
- sensorShow
- setDbg
- setModem
- setVerbose
- sfpShow
- shellFlowControlDisable
- shellFlowControlEnable
- slotPowerOff
- slotPowerOn
- slotShow
- snmpConfig
- spinFab
- sshUtil
- statsClear
- stopPortTest
- supportFfdc
- supportFtp
- supportSave
- supportShow
- supportShowCfgDisable
- supportShowCfgEnable
- supportShowCfgShow
- switchBeacon
- switchCfgPersistentDisable
- switchCfgPersistentEnable
- switchCfgSpeed
- switchCfgTrunk
- switchDisable
- switchEnable
- switchName
- switchShow
- switchStatusPolicySet
- switchStatusPolicyShow
- switchStatusShow
- switchUptime
- switchViolation
- syslogdFacility
- syslogdIpAdd
- syslogdIpRemove
- syslogdIpShow
- sysShutDown
- systemVerification
- tempShow
- timeOut
- topologyShow
- traceDump
- trackChangesHelp
- trackChangesSet
- trackChangesShow
- trunkDebug
- trunkShow
- tsClockServer
- tsTimeZone
- turboRamTest
- upTime
- uRouteConfig
- uRouteRemove
- uRouteShow
- usbStorage
- userConfig
- userRename
- version
- wwn
- zone
- zoneAdd
- zoneCreate
- zoneDelete
- zoneHelp
- zoneObjectCopy
- zoneObjectExpunge
- zoneObjectRename
- zoneRemove
- zoneShow
- Primary FCS commands
- Control Processor Commands
- Command availability
- Index
Fabric OS Command Reference 263
Displays help information for commands.
Synopsis help [command]
Description Use this command without an operand to display an alphabetical list commands for which help is
available. At the end of the list are some additional commands which display more lists of grouped
commands for a particular subsystem; for example, diagHelp displays a list of diagnostic
The list displays only commands that are available to the current user; command availability may
vary depending on:
• Login user role
• License key
• Hardware platform
To access help information for a specific command, enter the command name as an operand.
Operands This command has the following operand:
command Specify the command name, with or without quotation marks. This operand is
Examples To display help information for the help command:
switch:admin> help help
See Also diagHelp, fwHelp, licenseHelp, perfHelp, routeHelp, zoneHelp