Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference Guide v6.1.0 (53-1000599-02, June 2008)
Table Of Contents
- Contents
- About This Document
- Using Fabric OS Commands
- Fabric OS Commands
- aaaConfig
- ad
- ag
- agshow
- aliAdd
- aliCreate
- aliDelete
- aliRemove
- aliShow
- aptPolicy
- auditCfg
- authUtil
- bannerSet
- bannerShow
- bcastShow
- bladeBeacon
- bladeDisable
- bladeEnable
- burninErrClear
- burninErrShow
- burninLevel
- burninStatus
- cfgActvShow
- cfgAdd
- cfgClear
- cfgCreate
- cfgDelete
- cfgDisable
- cfgEnable
- cfgMcdtmode
- cfgRemove
- cfgSave
- cfgSaveActiveToDefined
- cfgShow
- cfgSize
- cfgTransAbort
- cfgTransShow
- chassisConfig
- chassisName
- chassisShow
- cliHistory
- configDefault
- configDownload
- configList
- configRemove
- configShow
- configUpload
- configure
- dataTypeShow
- date
- dbgShow
- defZone
- diagClearError
- diagDisablePost
- diagEnablePost
- diagHelp
- diagPost
- diagRetry
- diagSetBurnin
- diagSetCycle
- diagShow
- diagSkipTests
- diagStopBurnin
- dbgShow
- distribute
- dlsReset
- dlsSet
- dlsShow
- dnsConfig
- enclosureShow
- errClear
- errDelimiterSet
- errDump
- errFilterSet
- errModuleShow
- errShow
- exit
- fabPortShow
- fabRetryShow
- fabricLog
- fabricPrincipal
- fabricShow
- fabStatsShow
- fabSwitchShow
- fanDisable
- fanEnable
- fanShow
- fastboot
- fastwritecfg
- fcipChipTest
- fcipHelp
- fcipPathTest
- fcLunQuery
- fcPing
- fcpLogClear
- fcpLogDisable
- fcpLogEnable
- fcpLogShow
- fcpProbeShow
- fcpRlsShow
- fcrBcastConfig
- fcrChipTest
- fcrConfigure
- fcrFabricShow
- fcrLsanCount
- fcrLsanMatrix
- fcrPathTest
- fcrPhyDevShow
- fcrProxyConfig
- fcrProxyDevShow
- fcrResourceShow
- fcrRouterPortCost
- fcrRouteShow
- fcrXlateConfig
- fddCfg
- fdmiCacheShow
- fdmiShow
- ficonClear
- ficonCupSet
- ficonCupShow
- ficonHelp
- ficonShow
- fipsCfg
- firmwareCommit
- firmwareDownload
- firmwareDownloadStatus
- firmwareKeyShow
- firmwareKeyUpdate
- firmwareRestore
- firmwareShow
- fosConfig
- fruReplace
- fspfShow
- fwAlarmsFilterSet
- fwAlarmsFilterShow
- fwClassInit
- fwConfigReload
- fwConfigure
- fwFruCfg
- fwHelp
- fwMailCfg
- fwPortDetailShow
- fwSamShow
- fwSet
- fwSetToCustom
- fwSetToDefault
- fwShow
- h
- haDisable
- haDump
- haEnable
- haFailover
- haShow
- haSyncStart
- haSyncStop
- help
- historyLastShow
- historyMode
- historyShow
- httpCfgShow
- i
- iclCfg
- ifModeSet
- ifModeShow
- interfaceShow
- interopMode
- iodDelayReset
- iodDelaySet
- iodDelayShow
- iodReset
- iodSet
- iodShow
- ipAddrSet
- ipAddrShow
- ipfilter
- iscsiCfg
- iscsiChipTest
- iscsiHelp
- iscsiPathTest
- iscsiPortCfg
- iscsiSessionCfg
- iscsiSwCfg
- islShow
- isnscCfg
- itemList
- killTelnet
- ldapCfg
- licenseAdd
- licenseHelp
- licenseIdShow
- licensePort
- licenseRemove
- licenseShow
- linkCost
- login
- logout
- lsanZoneShow
- lsDbShow
- memShow
- miniCycle
- msCapabilityShow
- msConfigure
- msPlatShow
- msPlatShowDBCB
- msPlClearDB
- msPlMgmtActivate
- msPlMgmtDeactivate
- msTdDisable
- msTdEnable
- msTdReadConfig
- myId
- nbrStateShow
- nbrStatsClear
- nodeFind
- nsAliasShow
- nsAllShow
- nsCamShow
- nsShow
- nsZoneMember
- passwd
- passwdCfg
- pathInfo
- pdShow
- perfAddEEMonitor
- perfAddIPMonitor
- perfAddReadMonitor
- perfAddRWMonitor
- perfAddSCSIMonitor
- perfAddUserMonitor
- perfAddWriteMonitor
- perfCfgClear
- perfCfgRestore
- perfCfgSave
- perfClearAlpaCrc
- perfDelEEMonitor
- perfDelFilterMonitor
- perfHelp
- perfMonitorClear
- perfMonitorShow
- perfSetPortEEMask
- perfShowAlpaCrc
- perfShowPortEEMask
- perfTTmon
- pkiCreate
- pkiRemove
- pkiShow
- policy
- portAlpaShow
- portBufferShow
- portCamShow
- portCfg
- portCfgAlpa
- portCfgCreditRecovery
- portCfgDefault
- portCfgEPort
- portCfgEXPort
- portCfgGPort
- portCfgISLMode
- portCfgLongDistance
- portCfgLPort
- portCfgNPIVPort
- portCfgNPort
- portCfgPersistentDisable
- portCfgPersistentEnable
- PortCfgQos
- portCfgShow
- portCfgSpeed
- portCfgTrunkPort
- portCfgVEXPort
- portCmd
- portDebug
- portDisable
- portEnable
- portErrShow
- portFlagsShow
- portLedTest
- portLogClear
- portLogConfigShow
- portLogDisable
- portLogDump
- portLogDumpPort
- portLogEnable
- portLogEventShow
- portLoginShow
- portLogPdisc
- portLogReset
- portLogResize
- portLogShow
- portLogShowPort
- portLogTypeDisable
- portLogTypeEnable
- portLoopbackTest
- portMirror
- portName
- portPerfShow
- portRouteShow
- portShow
- portStats64Show
- portStatsClear
- portStatsShow
- portSwap
- portSwapDisable
- portSwapEnable
- portSwapShow
- portTest
- portTestShow
- portTrunkArea
- portZoneShow
- powerOffListSet
- powerOffListShow
- psShow
- reboot
- routeHelp
- secActiveSize
- secAuthSecret
- secCertUtil
- secDefineSize
- secGlobalShow
- secHelp
- secPolicyAbort
- secPolicyActivate
- secPolicyAdd
- secPolicyCreate
- secPolicyDelete
- secPolicyDump
- secPolicyFCSMove
- secPolicyRemove
- secPolicySave
- secPolicyShow
- secStatsReset
- secStatsShow
- sensorShow
- setDbg
- setModem
- setVerbose
- sfpShow
- shellFlowControlDisable
- shellFlowControlEnable
- slotPowerOff
- slotPowerOn
- slotShow
- snmpConfig
- spinFab
- sshUtil
- statsClear
- stopPortTest
- supportFfdc
- supportFtp
- supportSave
- supportShow
- supportShowCfgDisable
- supportShowCfgEnable
- supportShowCfgShow
- switchBeacon
- switchCfgPersistentDisable
- switchCfgPersistentEnable
- switchCfgSpeed
- switchCfgTrunk
- switchDisable
- switchEnable
- switchName
- switchShow
- switchStatusPolicySet
- switchStatusPolicyShow
- switchStatusShow
- switchUptime
- switchViolation
- syslogdFacility
- syslogdIpAdd
- syslogdIpRemove
- syslogdIpShow
- sysShutDown
- systemVerification
- tempShow
- timeOut
- topologyShow
- traceDump
- trackChangesHelp
- trackChangesSet
- trackChangesShow
- trunkDebug
- trunkShow
- tsClockServer
- tsTimeZone
- turboRamTest
- upTime
- uRouteConfig
- uRouteRemove
- uRouteShow
- usbStorage
- userConfig
- userRename
- version
- wwn
- zone
- zoneAdd
- zoneCreate
- zoneDelete
- zoneHelp
- zoneObjectCopy
- zoneObjectExpunge
- zoneObjectRename
- zoneRemove
- zoneShow
- Primary FCS commands
- Control Processor Commands
- Command availability
- Index
Fabric OS Command Reference 73
Notes This command is retained for legacy reasons only. There are no separate chassis configuration
options on the Brocade DCX backbone. By default the switch supports 384 ports in a single Fibre
Channel domain. The chassisConfig command is not available on this platform. Brocade 48000
directors support only option 5.
The execution of this command is subject to Admin Domain restrictions that may be in place. Refer
to chapter 1, "Understanding Admin Domain Restrictions" and Appendix A, "Command Availability"
for details.
Operands This command has the following operands:
-f If specified, forces configuration changes without asking for confirmation or
requesting a configuration upload.
option Specify the new configuration option to apply to the chassis. This operand is
optional; if omitted, this command displays the current configuration option
and a list of all valid options.
Examples To display the current configuration option on a Brocade 48000 director and to change the option:
switch:admin> chassisconfig
Current Option: 5
All Supported Options
Option 5: One 384-port switch
Blade ID's 17, 18, 24, 31, 33, 36, 39, 37, 51, 55 in slots 1-4, 7-10
Blade ID 16 in slots 5-6
See Also configDownload, configUpload, slotShow