HP Storage Essentials V5.1 User Guide First Edition (T4283-96026, August 2006)

Storage Essentials 5.1 User Guide 37
IP address or system name of the Brocade SMI-S proxy server you want to discover. See
Adding an IP Range for Scanning” on page 24 or ”Adding a Single IP Address or DNS
Name for Discovery” on page 25 for more information.
User Name for the SMI-S proxy server for the Admin account
Password for the SMI-S proxy server for the Admin account
NOTE: These instructions specify discovery using the standard port (5988 - non secure or
5989 - secure) for the Brocade SMI-S provider. For example: or Using the standard is
Brocade Fabric Access API
IP address or system name of the Brocade switch you want to discover. See ”Adding an IP
Range for Scanning” on page 24 or ”Adding a Single IP Address or DNS Name for
Discovery” on page 25 for more information.
User Name for the switch
Password for the switch
Refer to the HP SIM documentation for more details.
Discovery from HP SE
To discover Brocade switches:
1. Click Tools > Storage Essentials > Home on the HP SIM home page menu. The Storage
Essentials home page opens in a separate web browser window. From the Storage Essentials
home page, click Discovery, then click Setup in the upper-right pane of the Storage
Essentials window.
2. Select Step 1 at the top of the page.
3. Click the IP Addresses tab.
4. Click the Add Address button.
5. In the IP Address/DNS Name field, do one of the following depending on the provider:
Type the IP address of the proxy server that is running the SMI-S agent. (Some proxy servers
require the following format: http://IPADDRESS.)
Fabric Access API
Type the IP address or DNS name of the Brocade switch you want to discover.
6. In the User Name field, do one of the following depending on the provider:
Type the user name for the SMI-S proxy server.
This field can be left blank if one or more of the following conditions are fulfilled:
The element's user name and password are one of the default user names and