HP Storage Essentials V5.1 User Guide First Edition (T4283-96026, August 2006)

Storage Essentials 5.1 User Guide 161
IMPORTANT: AD servers are not case sensitive for user names so changing this tag to
“true” for AD authentication is not recommended.
The login-handler.xml file contains two sets of <CaseSensitiveUserName> tags: one
for Active Directory and one for LDAP. Make sure you change the value of the
<CaseSensitiveUserName> tags that are children of the <ActiveDirectory> tag.
9. Provide the Active Directory search base in which you want the management server to look up
AD/LDAP user attributes. Allow no spaces between commas and put in all components of fully
qualified domain name, for example, hds.usa.com would be DC=hds,DC=usa,DC=com.
The search base is used to specify the starting point for the search. It points to a distinguished
name of an entry in the directory hierarchy.
<SearchBase> dc=MyCompanyName,dc=COM</SearchBase>
10.Save the login-handler.xml file with your changes.
The following is an example of a modified login-handler.xml file for use with AD server
authentication. Underlined text is information that was modified:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!-- for the default, using database for authentication -->
<!-- uncomment the following to enable Active Directory login-->
<PrimaryServer port="389">IP address of Primary Domain
<SecondaryServer>IP Address of Secondary Domain Controller</SecondaryServer>
<!-- provide SearchBase if full name and email attribute are to be
between ActiveDirectory and the database.-->
<SearchBase>DC=domain extension1,DC=domain extension2,DC=COM</SearchBase>
<!-- uncomment the following for generic LDAP login
<!-- same as java.naming.provider.url
<Server port="389">IP address of LDAP server</Server>
<!-- LDAP env can be added, an example is shown below...