HP Storage Essentials V5.1 User Guide First Edition (T4283-96026, August 2006)
Storage Essentials 5.1 User Guide 159
• ”Step 2 - Restart the AppStorManager Service and Login as the Designated Admin Account” on
page 165
• ”Step 3 - Add Users to the Management Server” on page 166
• ”Step 4 - Provide Login Information to Your Users” on page 167
Step 1 - Configure the Management Server to Use Active Directory or LDAP
You must modify the login-handler.xml file if you want to use Active Directory/LDAP. How
you modify the login-handler.xml file depends on whether you plan to use LDAP or Active
See the one of the following sections depending on whether you want to use Active Directory or
• ”Active Directory” on page 159
• ”LDAP” on page 162
Active Directory
Active Directory allows by default connections with domain\username, instead of the distinguished
name (DN) used by a generic LDAP server. However, you can use the generic LDAP server setup to
authenticate with Active Directory, as described in ”LDAP” on page 162.
To specify the management server to use Active Directory, do the following:
1. Before switching to Active Directory (AD) authentication mode, the management server needs to
be configured with a designated Active Directory user and other AD specific credentials. At
startup, the designated Active Directory user is mapped to the built-in “admin” user and
overrides it with the Active Directory user information.
IMPORTANT: Make sure the administrator account has already been created in Active
Directory before you add it to the login-handler.xml file.
a. On the management server look in %MGR_DIST\Data\Configuration
NOTE: If you want to go back and forth between internal and external (AD/LDAP)
authentication, rename the login-handler.xml file before you modify it. This way you
can easily switch back to internal authentication by changing the file name back to
b. In the login-handler.xml file, change the value of the <AdminAccountName> tag to
the name of a user account in Active Directory, as shown in the following example:
where PrimaryUser is the name of the user account that is designated as the primary user in
Active Directory.
Keep in mind the following:
• For security reasons, it is recommended that the designated user not be the AD Domain