HP Storage Essentials V5.1 User Guide First Edition (T4283-96026, August 2006)

Path Provisioning440
Symmetrix storage systems: LUN numbers must be between 1 and 8190.
You can enter a LUN number for a volume by placing the cursor under the LUN Number column,
as shown in the following figure. Click OK when you are done. The window displayed in the
following figure is displayed if your storage system requires you to provide a LUN number.
Figure 59 Specifying a LUN Number
Creating a System Action Template
You can create your own system action template, as described in the following steps.
1. Click Tools > Storage Essentials > Provisioning Manager.
2. In the right pane, click Start Here on the Path Provisioning tab.
3. Click the Configure Templates button at the top of the screen.
4. Click the New Template button in the Provisioning Template Configuration window.
5. If you want to change the name that was assigned to the new template, enter the name you
want for the template in the Template Name field. Then, click Apply.
6. Select a master template from which you want to base your new template. For more information
about the default master templates, see ”Default System Action Templates” on page 413.
7. Click the following tabs and select the options you want for your template.
NOTE: Not all tabs are available for some default templates.
Storage Options - See ”Storage System Customize Dialog” on page 448 for more
information for these options.
Host Options - See ”Host Customize Dialog” on page 448 for more information about
these options.
Volume Options - See ”Volume Customize Dialog” on page 448 for more information
about these options.
Host Security Options - See ”LUN Customize Dialog” on page 448 for more information
about these options.