HP Storage Essentials V5.1 User Guide First Edition (T4283-96026, August 2006)

Storage Essentials 5.1 User Guide 263
Provision Provides provisioning tools for switches and storage systems:
Switches - Lets you activate and deactivate zone sets, in addition to
managing the following:
Zone Aliases (Not applicable to McDATA switches)
Zone Sets (The delete zone set option is disabled for active zone sets).
When McDATA or Connectrix switches are discovered through a proxy
by using SNMP, you cannot view or perform any provisioning operations
for those switches. For example, you cannot view zone sets, zones,
and/or zone alias.
When McDATA or Connectrix switches are discovered by their IP address
by using SNMP, you can only view the active zone set and its members.
You cannot create, modify, and/or delete zone sets or its members.
Storage Systems - Lets you manage the following:
Storage Pools
Host Security Groups
*Offered only when supported by storage system
See ”About the Provisioning Tab” on page 320, ”SAN Zoning Overview” on
page 328 and ”Setting Up Storage Partitioning” on page 348 and for more
information. Provisioning wizards may not be available in your kit. To
determine if you can access Provisioning Manager, access the Feature List,
which is accessible from the Documentation Center.
Add Virtual
Lets you add a virtual application so you can monitor it. A virtual application
is a placeholder you create for an application. For example, you could create
a virtual application for an application that was created just for your
company. See ”Adding a Virtual Application” on page 267.
Set Business
Cost (Applications
Lets you assign a business cost to an application. See ”Assigning a Business
Cost to an Application” on page 278.
Table 34 Drop-Down Menu Options Accessible from the Topology* (continued)
Menu Option Description