HP Storage Essentials V5.1 User Guide Second Edition (Linux Release) (T4283-96056, November 2006)

Storage Essentials 5.1 User Guide 249
Export the database after you change the database mode to no archive. See ”Exporting the
Database” on page 245.
Scheduled RMAN backup jobs do not run. If you change the database mode to no archive
during an RMAN backup, the RMAN backup will error out.
If the database fails as a result of a corrupt data file, the database can only be restored to the
last export backup available. This requires recreating the database along with the import.
To change the archive mode:
1. Access the Database Admin Utility as described in ”Accessing the Database Admin Utility” on
page 243.
2. Click Archive Mode Switch in the left pane.
3. Select one of the following:
Enable Database Archive Mode and RMAN Backup - Select this option if you plan to run
database in archive mode and automated backup while the management server is running.
If database is already in archive mode, you can use this option to clean up archive files. See
About the Database Admin Utility” on page 242 for more information about the automatic
backups. When you change the database to archive mode, you reset the logs SCN, set the
archive parameter in the database parameter file and enable the RMAN backup scheduler.
Take a current RMAN backup after switching to archive mode (Options > Storage
Essentials > Manage Product Health > Disk Space > RMAN Backup > Backup Now
in HP Systems Insight Manager) as described in ”Performing an RMAN Hot Backup” on
page 240.
Disable Database Archive Mode and RMAN Backup - Select this option if and only if you
always shut down the management server prior to a backup. With database running in
no-archive mode, you can only cold back up your database. When you change the
database to no archive mode, you reset the logs SCN, set the archive parameter in the
database parameter file and disable the RMAN backup scheduler. See ”Running a Cold
Backup” on page 250 for more information. Export the database after switching to no
archive mode. See ”Exporting the Database” on page 245.
4. Type the SYS password in the SYS Password field.
5. Click the Change Settings button.
RMAN Restore
The Database Admin Utility lets you restore the management server database from a previously
scheduled (hot) RMAN backup, which are stored in the following directories by default: backup1,
backup2, and current. You may not have a previously scheduled (hot) RMAN backup if you selected
Disable Database Archive Mode and RMAN Backup.
To restore the database:
1. Access the Database Admin Utility as described in ”Accessing the Database Admin Utility” on
page 243.
2. Click RMAN Restore in the left pane.
3. Select one of the following directories to restore: