HP ProLiant Storage Server with Windows Storage Server 2003 R2 release notes (March 2006)

Issue: The R2 upgrade from Workgroup to Standard edition may fail to continue
Description The Windows Storage Server 2003 R2 upgrade from Workgroup to Standard
edition does not continue if the DON’T ERASE volume has been assigned a drive
letter before starting the upgrade.
Workaround The R2 upgrade process removes the drive letter of the DON’T ERASE volume,
which results in a different drive letter being assigned to the DVD drive. You
should change the DVD drive letter back to the originally assigned drive letter
and restart the upgrade process. To find the DVD drive letter at the time of the
upgrade and reassign it:
1. Run regedit.exe
2. Navigating to the key “path” under
shows the DVD-ROM drive letter.
3. Reassign the DVD-ROM letter to be the same as identified in the previous
Issue: Installation of Insight Management Agent fails
Description The installation of Insight Management Agent fails when upgrading to Windows
Storage Server 2003 R2. The c:\CPQSYSTEM\log\cpqsetup.log states
that the installation operation was not successful.
Workaround After the R2 upgrade has completed, remove the HP Management Agent using
Add or Remove Programs from the Control Panel. This requires a reboot of the
system. After the system has rebooted, set the operating system language to
English (if necessary). Install the management agent manually by opening
cp006033.exe located the UPDATES\PSP directory on your DVD drive.