HP ProLiant ML350 G5 Storage Server Administration Guide (5697-5854, September 2006)

9. Click OK.
Auditing must be enabled to congure this inf ormation. Use the local Computer Polic y Editor t o congure
the audit policy on the storage server.
The Owner tab allows taking ownership of les. Typically, administrators use this area to take ownership
of les when the le ACL is incomplete or corrupt. By taking ownership, you gain access to the les,
and then manually apply the appropriate security congurations.
Figure 27 Advanc ed Security Settings dialog box, Owner ta b
The current owner of the le or folder is listed at the top of the screen. To take ownership:
1. Click the appropriate user or group in the Change owner to list.
2. If it is also necessary to take ownership of subfolders and les, enable the Replace owner on
subcontainers and objects box.
3. Click OK.
Share management
There are several ways to set up and m anage shares. Methods include using Windows Explorer, a
command line interface, or the HP Storage Server Management Console.
Select servers can be d eployed in a clustered as well as a non-clustered conguration. This chapter
discusses share setup for a non-clustered deployment.
As previously mentioned, the le-sharing security model of the storage server is based on the NTFS
le-level security model. Share security seamlessly integrates with le security. In addition to discussing
share management, this section discusses share security.