HP ProLiant ML350 G5 Storage Server Administration Guide (5697-5854, September 2006)

7Othernetworkle and print
ser vices
This chapter discusses newer networking features in Microsoft Windows Storage Server 2003 and three
other network le and print services for UNIX, NetWare, and the Macintosh.
d le or print services for other networks
Microsoft Services for Network File System (MSNFS)
MSNFS is an update to the NFS components that were previously available in Services for UNIX 3.5.
MSNFS includes the following new features:
Upd ated administration snap-in—MSNFS Administration
Active Directory Lookup—The Identity Manag em ent for UNIX Active Directory schema extension,
available in M icrosoft Windows Server 2003 R2, includes UNIX user identier (UID) and
group identier (GID) elds, which enables Server for NFS and Client for NFS to look up
Windows-to-UNIX user account mappings directly from Active Directory. Identity Management for
UNIX simplies Windows-to-UNIX user account mapping management in Active Directory.
Enhanced ser ver performance—Microsoft Services for NFS includes a le lter driver, which
signicantly reduces common server le acc ess latencies.
UNIX special device suppor t— Microsoft Services for NFS suppor ts UNIX special devices (mknod).
Enhanced UN IX support—Microsoft Services for NFS now supports the following versions of UNIX:
Sun Microsystems Solaris version 9
The following features that were previously available in Services for UNIX 3.5 are not included in MSNFS:
Gateway for NFS
Server for PCNFS
All PCNFS components of Client for NFS
UNIX Identity Management
Identity Manag em ent for UNIX makes it easy to integrate users of Windows operating systems into
existing UNIX environments. It provides manageability components that simplify network administration
and account ma n agem ent a cross both platforms.
With Identity Management for UNIX, the adm inistrator can:
Manage user accounts and passwords on Windows and UNIX systems using Network Information
ice (NIS).
Automatically synchronize passwords between Windows and UNIX operating systems.
UNIX Identity Management consists of the following components:
Administration co mponents
word synchronization
Server for NIS