HP ProLiant ML350 G5 Storage Server Administration Guide (5697-5854, September 2006)

Figure 30 H elp and Support Center page
Microsoft Print Management Console
The Print Management Console (PMC ) c an be started from the HP Storage Server Management Console,
or the PMC snap-in can be added to the Microsoft M ana gement Console.
Figure 31 M i c rosoft Print Man agem ent C onsole
HP recommends that you use the Microsoft Print Management Step-by-Step Guide on the Documentation
CD for print concepts, use of the PMC, and management of net work printers. The guide can also be
downloaded from h
When running the PMC on a server that has Windows Firewall enabled, no printers will be displayed in
the printers folder of the PMC. In order for printers to be displayed, you need to open the le and print