HP ProLiant ML310 Storage Server user guide (AG620-96001, November 2006)

1 Installing an d conguring th e
Setup overview
Yo ur HP ProLiant storage server comes p re-installed with the Windows® Storage Server 2003 R2
operating system. Windows Storage Ser ver 2003 R2 extends the Windows Storage Server 2003
operating system, providing a more efcient way to manage and control access to local and remote
resources. In addition, Windows Storage Server 2003 R2 provides a scalable, security-enhanced We b
platform for simplied branch ser ver management, improved identity and access management, and
more efcient storage management.
Planning for installation
Before you install your HP ProLiant storage server, you need to make a few up-front decisions.
Determining a network access method
Before beginning setup and startup procedures, you s hou ld decide upon an ac cess method to connect to
the storage server. The type of network access you select is determined by whether or not the network
has a Dynamic Host Conguration Protocol (D H CP) server. If the network has a D H CP server, you
can access the storage server through the d irect at tachment, remote browser, remote desktop, or iLO
2 m etho ds. If your net work does not have a D H CP server, you must access the storage server through
the direct attachment method.
The direct attachment method requires a display, keyboard, and mouse.
Table 2 Network access methods
Access method
I.E. 5.5
or later
Storage server
desktop accessible?
HP ProLiant Rapid
Startup Wizard access
Direct attachment
Directly from the
storage server d esktop.
Requires a
monitor, mouse,
and keyboard.
Remote browser
Directly from the HP
ProLiant Storage Server
Management console.
Does not display
the storage server
Remote desktop
Indirectly from the
storage server d esktop.
Windows remote
desktop capability
required on client.
HP Integrated
Lights-Out 2 (iLO
2) connectivity
Yes Yes
Indirectly from the
storage server d esktop.
See the HP
Lights-Out 2 User
Guide for server
access instructions.
HP ProLiant ML310 Storage Server