HP ProLiant ML310 Storage Server user guide (AG620-96001, November 2006)

cache file
cache file
cache file
G: H:
Figure 10 Sha dow copies s tored on a separate volume
The main advantage to storing shadow copies on a separate volume is e ase of management and
performance. Shadow copies on a source volume must be continually monitored and can consume space
designated for le sharing. Setting the limit too high takes up valuable storage space. Setting the limit
too low can cause shadow copies to be purged too soon, or not created at a ll. By storing shadow copies
on a separate volume space, limits can generally be set higher, or set to No Limit. See the online help for
instructions on altering the cache le location.
If the data on the separate volume L: is lost, the shadow copies cannot be recovered.
Enabling and creating shadow copies
Enabling shadow c opies on a volume automatically results in several actions:
Creates a shadow copy of the selected volume.
Sets the maximum storage space for the shadow copies.
Schedules shadow copies to be made at 7 a.m. and 12 noon on weekdays.
Creating a shadow copy only makes one copy of the volume; it does not create a schedule.
After the rstshadowcopyiscreated,itcannotberelocated. Relocatethecachele by altering the
cache le location under Properties prior to enabling shadow copy. See "Viewing s hadow copy
properties" on page 50.
HP ProLiant ML310 Storage Server 49