11.0 HP StoreVirtual Storage Remote Copy User Guide (AX696-96306, September 2013)

Figure 11 High availability during failover-Example configuration
Achieving affordable disaster recovery
Even if you do not have clustered application servers or network bandwidth required for configuring
hot backup sites, you can still use Remote Copy to protect your data during an emergency.
Using remote snapshots, you can maintain copies of your volumes in remote sites. Set up a schedule
for creating remote snapshots, and if your primary storage site becomes unavailable, you can
easily access the most recent remote copy of your data volumes. You can also use remote snapshots
to transfer data to a backup location where tape backups are then created. This eliminates the
backup window on your primary volumes, and ensures that you have copies of your data in the
remote site on storage systems as well as on tape.
Configuration for affordable disaster recovery
To configure affordable disaster recovery, create remote snapshots of your volumes in an off-site
location. In addition, you can create tape backups from the remote snapshots in the off-site location:
Designate one or more off-site locations to be the destination for remote snapshots.
Set up a schedule for creating remote snapshots in the designated off-site locations. If your
application server uses multiple volumes that must be in sync, use a script to quiesce the
application before creating remote snapshots.
Create routine tape backups of the remote snapshots in the off-site locations.
Figure 12 (page 36) shows an example configuration for disaster recovery.
Using Remote Copy for business continuance 35