MSL6480 Getting Started Guide (rev 3) (QU625-96331, April 2014)

Labeling and loading the tape cartridges
The library will power on without cartridges, but needs cartridges before performing data read
and write operations, or any tests or operations that transfer cartridges.
For proper operation, use barcode labels in production environments. The library does not support
the use of media without barcode labels.
Using the mailslot
If the mailslot is enabled, you can use it to load cartridges into the library. On the home screen,
tap Open Mailslot, open the magazine access door, and then pull the mailslot out.
Bulk loading cartridges into the magazines
1. Extend one of the magazines from the library.
a. From the OCP or RMI, select the module and then select Open Magazine.
Wait until the OCP or RMI indicates that the magazine has been unlocked before
attempting to remove it. Pulling on the handle while the library is unlocking the magazine
might damage the library.
b. Open the magazine access door.
c. Slowly pull the magazine handle until the magazine is fully extended.
2. Load the tape cartridges into the magazine starting with the back of the magazine. Push the
magazine in the library as each bin is filled.
3. Push the magazine handle slowly until the magazine release latch snaps into place. The
magazine locks into place.
Labeling and loading the tape cartridges 27