HP MSA 1040 CLI Reference Guide (762782-001, March 2014)

delete snapshot 83
delete snapshot
Description Deletes specified snapshots. All data uniquely associated with the snapshot is deleted and
associated space in the snap pool is freed for use. The snapshot's schedules are also deleted.
delete snapshot
[delete-priority standard-snapshot|volume-copy-snapshot|replication-snapshot
Parameters cleanup
Optional. When a master volume's last snapshot is deleted, automatically convert the master volume
to a standard volume and delete the snap pool.
delete-priority standard-snapshot|volume-copy-snapshot
Optional. Priority of snapshots that can be deleted. If the specified priority is less than the snapshot's
priority, deletion is prevented. This is intended to protect against accidentally deleting high-priority
snapshots. You must specify this parameter or the force parameter, but not both.
Optional. Overrides priority protection and forces the specified snapshot to be deleted. You must
specify this parameter or the delete-priority parameter, but not both.
A comma-separated list of the names or serial numbers of the snapshots to delete. For volume syntax,
see "Command syntax" (page 20).
Example Delete snapshot SS1, which is being used in a replication operation:
# delete snapshot delete-priority replicating-snapshot SS1
Success: Command completed successfully. - The snapshot(s) were successfully
deleted. (2012-01-21 09:51:39)
Try to delete common-sync-point snapshot SS2 by specifying a lower priority:
# delete snapshot delete-priority standard-snapshot SS2
Error: Snapshot priority has not been met. - One or more snapshots were not
deleted. (2012-01-21 09:49:10)
Force deletion of snapshot SS2:
# delete snapshot force SS2
Success: Command completed successfully. - The snapshot(s) were successfully
deleted. (2012-01-21 09:50:20)
Delete three standard snapshots:
# delete snapshot s1,s2,s3
Success: Command completed successfully. - The snapshot(s) were successfully
deleted. (2012-01-21 09:41:58)
See also delete snapshot-write-data
show snapshots