HP MSA 1040 CLI Reference Guide (762782-001, March 2014)

70 Alphabetical list of commands
create volume-set
Description Creates a specified number of volumes in a vdisk. You must specify a base name and a size for the
volumes. You can create the volumes unmapped or set their default mapping. Default mapping
settings apply to all hosts, unless overridden by an explicit mapping between a host and the volume.
You can later change mappings by using the map volume and unmap volume commands. By
default, this command will not map the created volumes.
CAUTION: Using a default mapping for a volume will allow multiple hosts to access the volume. To
avoid multiple hosts mounting the volume and causing corruption, the hosts must be cooperatively
managed, such as by using cluster software.
Volume sizes are aligned to 4-MB boundaries. When a volume is created or expanded, if the
resulting size would be less than 4 MB it will be increased to 4 MB; if the resulting size would be
greater than 4 MB it will be decreased to the nearest 4-MB boundary.
create volume-set
[access read-write|rw|read-only|ro|no-access]
Parameters vdisk
The name or serial number of the vdisk in which to create the volumes. For vdisk syntax, see
"Command syntax" (page 20).
A name to which a number will be appended to generate a different name for each volume. A name
is case sensitive; can include spaces and printable UTF-8 characters except a left angle bracket,
backslash, comma, or double quote; and can have a maximum of 16 bytes. A name that includes a
space must be enclosed in double quotes.
Resulting volumes are numbered sequentially starting with 0000. If volumes with the specified
basename already exist, names of new volumes start with the first available name in the sequence.
For example: for basename vd1_v, if vd1_v0000 and vd1_v0002 exist, the next volumes created
will be vd1_v0001 and vd1_v0003.
The number of volumes to create, from 1 to 128. Volumes will be created up to the maximum number
supported per vdisk.
Sets the size for each volume using the current base, as shown by the show cli-parameters command.
The unit can be specified as follows:
If base 2 is in use: B (bytes), KiB (kibibytes), MiB (mebibytes), or GiB (gibibytes)
If base 10 is in use: B (bytes), KB (kilobytes), MB (megabytes), or GB (gigabytes)
If no unit is specified, the unit is 512-byte blocks. If the combined size of the volumes exceeds the
capacity of the vdisk, an error message is displayed and no volumes are created.
Optional. The first in a sequence of LUNs to assign to map the volumes through ports specified by
the ports parameter. If the baselun and ports parameters are omitted, the volumes are not
mapped. If a LUN to be assigned to a volume is already in use, an error message is displayed and
that volume and any subsequent volumes are not mapped.