HP MSA 1040 CLI Reference Guide (762782-001, March 2014)

volumes 493
string standard: Optimizes cache for both sequential and random reads.
Appropriate for applications that read and write small files in random order,
such as transaction-based and database update applications. This is the
no-mirror: When this mode is enabled, each controller stops mirroring its
cache metadata to the partner controller. This improves write I/O response
time but at the risk of losing data during a failover. ULP behavior is not
affected, with the exception that during failover any write data in cache will
be lost.
uint32 Numeric equivalents for cache-optimization values.
0: standard
2: no-mirror
read-ahead-size string The volume's read-ahead cache setting.
Disabled: Read-ahead is disabled.
Adaptive: Adaptive read-ahead is enabled, which allows the controller to
dynamically calculate the optimum read-ahead size for the current workload.
Stripe: Read-ahead is set to one stripe. The controllers treat non-RAID and
RAID-1 vdisks internally as if they have a stripe size of 512 KB, even though
they are not striped.
512 KB, 1 MB, 2 MB, 4 MB, 8 MB, 16 MB, or 32 MB: Size
selected by a user.
uint32 Numeric equivalents for read-ahead-size values.
-2: Stripe
-1: Adaptive
0: Disabled
524288: 512 KB
1048576: 1 MB
2097152: 2 MB
4194304: 4 MB
8388608: 8 MB
16777216: 16 MB
33554432: 32 MB
2147483648: Maximum
volume-type string standard: Standard volume.
standard*: Destination of an in-progress volume copy and cannot be
mounted until the copy is complete.
snap-pool: Snap-pool volume.
master volume: Master volume.
snapshot: Snapshot volume.
replication source: Source for an in-progress replication to a
secondary volume.
uint32 Numeric equivalents for volume-type values.
0: standard
1: snap-pool
2: master volume
3: snapshot
4: standard*
8: replication source
Table 95 volumes properties (continued)
Name Type Description