HP MSA 1040 CLI Reference Guide (762782-001, March 2014)

show replication-sets 277
Primary volume serial number. If the replication set has a primary-volume conflict, all associated
primary volumes are displayed.
Primary volume status: Online, Offline, Conflict, or N/A.
Number of replication images to consider when determining the next image to replicate. Used only
if the On Collision parameter is set to Oldest.
Amount of time in seconds that the replication volume should retry a replication operation on any
specific image when errors occur. Used only if the On Error parameter is set to Retry.
On Error
Error policy to invoke when errors occur during the replication process: Retry or Suspend.
Link Type
Type of ports used to link the primary and secondary volumes:
FC: FC ports.
iSCSI: iSCSI ports.
On Collision
Collision policy used to determine the next image to replicate when multiple replication images are
queued: Newest or Oldest.
Monitor Interval
Interval in seconds at which the primary volume should query the secondary volume.
Priority of the replication process on the replication volume: Low, Medium, or High.
Connection Status
Not Attempted: Communication has not been attempted to the remote volume.
Online: The volumes in the replication set have a valid connection but communication is not
currently active.
Active: Communication is currently active to the remote volume.
Offline: No connection is available to the remote system.
Connection Time
Date and time of the last communication with the remote volume, or N/A.
Remote link information:
Connected Ports
For a remote primary or secondary volume, this field shows the IDs of up to two hosts ports in the
local system that are connected to the remote system. If two ports are connected but only one is
shown, this indicates that a problem is preventing half the available bandwidth from being used.
For a local primary or secondary volume, this field shows N/A.
Remote Address
The address of each host port in the remote system through which the volume is accessible.