HP MSA 1040 CLI Reference Guide (762782-001, March 2014)

show auto-write-through-trigger 199
show auto-write-through-trigger
Description Shows the system’s write-through trigger settings. When a trigger condition occurs and the trigger is
enabled, the RAID controller cache mode changes from write-back to write-through.
show auto-write-through-trigger
Output Controller Failure
Shows whether the cache policy will change from write-back to write-through when a controller fails.
Disabled: The controller failure trigger is disabled. This is the default.
Enabled: The controller failure trigger is enabled.
Supercap Failure
Shows whether the cache policy will change from write-back to write-through when the
supercapacitor that provides backup power for cache is not fully charged or fails.
Disabled: The supercapacitor failure trigger is disabled.
Enabled: The supercapacitor failure trigger is enabled. This is the default.
CompactFlash Failure
Shows whether the cache policy will change from write-back to write-through when CompactFlash
memory is not detected during POST (Power-On Self-Test), fails during POST, or fails during controller
Disabled: The CompactFlash failure trigger is disabled.
Enabled: The CompactFlash failure trigger is enabled. This is the default.
Power Supply Failure
Shows whether the cache policy will change from write-back to write-through when a power supply
Disabled: The power-supply failure trigger is disabled. This is the default.
Enabled: The power-supply failure trigger is enabled.
Fan Failure
Shows whether the cache policy will change from write-back to write-through when a fan fails.
Disabled: The fan failure trigger is disabled. This is the default.
Enabled: The fan failure trigger is enabled.
Temperature Exceeded
Shows whether the system will shut down a controller when its temperature exceeds the critical
operating range.
Disabled: The over-temperature failure trigger is disabled. This is the default.
Enabled: The over-temperature failure trigger is enabled.
Partner Notify
Shows whether the partner controller will be notified when a trigger condition occurs.
Disabled: Notification is disabled; the partner controller will continue using its current caching
mode. This is the default.
Enabled: Notification is enabled; the partner controller will change to write-through mode for
better data protection.
Auto Write Back
Shows whether the cache mode will change from write-through to write-back when the trigger
condition is cleared.
Disabled: Auto-write-back is disabled.
Enabled: Auto-write-back is enabled. This is the default.