HP MSA 1040 CLI Reference Guide (762782-001, March 2014)

set snap-pool-policy 179
set snap-pool-policy
Description Sets the recovery policy that determines the action taken when a specified snap pool’s error and
critical threshold levels are reached. The policy for the warning threshold is preset to notifyonly.
A snap pool’s default error policy is autoexpand and default critical policy is
NOTE: The policies deleteoldestsnapshot and deletesnapshots do not apply business
logic to the delete decision and may delete snapshots that are mounted/presented/mapped or
modified. You may set retention priorities for a snap pool as a way of suggesting that some
snapshots are more important than others, but these priorities do not ensure any specific snapshot is
set snap-pool-policy
[error autoexpand|deleteoldestsnapshot|deletesnapshots|haltwrites
[critical deleteoldestsnapshot|deletesnapshots|haltwrites]
Parameters error autoexpand|deleteoldestsnapshot|deletesnapshots|haltwrites
Optional. The policy to invoke when the error threshold level of snap-pool usage is reached.
autoexpand: Automatically expand the snap pool using the autoexpansionsize value. If
the snap pool’s space usage reaches the percentage specified by its error threshold, the system
will log Warning event 230 and will try to automatically expand the snap pool by the snap
pool’s autoexpansionsize value (below).
If the snap pool is successfully expanded, the system will log Informational event 444.
If the snap pool cannot be expanded because there is not enough available space in its
vdisk, the system will log Warning event 444 and will automatically delete the oldest
snapshot that is not a current sync point.
Each time the snap-pool’s error threshold is reached and the system cannot auto-expand the
vdisk, the oldest remaining snapshot (that is not a current sync point) will be deleted. This
behavior occurs for each snap pool independently, based on its space usage.
deleteoldestsnapshot: Delete the oldest snapshot.
deletesnapshots: Delete all snapshots.
haltwrites: Halt writes to all master volumes and snapshots associated with the snap pool.
notifyonly: Generates an event to notify the administrator.
critical deleteoldestsnapshot|deletesnapshots|haltwrites
Optional. Specifies the policy to invoke when the critical threshold level of snap-pool usage is
The amount by which the snap pool will be automatically expanded when the threshold level is
reached. The value uses the current base, as shown by the show cli-parameters command. The unit
can be specified as follows:
If base 2 is in use: B (bytes), KiB (kibibytes), MiB (mebibytes), or GiB (gibibytes)
If base 10 is in use: B (bytes), KB (kilobytes), MB (megabytes), or GB (gigabytes)
If no unit is specified, the unit is 512-byte blocks.
Name or serial number of the snap pool to set the policy for. For volume syntax, see "Command
syntax" (page 20).