HP MSA 1040 CLI Reference Guide (762782-001, March 2014)

set replication-volume-parameters 175
set replication-volume-parameters
Description Sets parameters for a specified replication volume. This command must be run separately on each
system where the volume resides; changes to these parameters are not automatically synchronized
across systems.
set replication-volume-parameters
[link-type FC|iSCSI]
[on-collision newest|oldest]
[on-error retry|suspend]
[priority low|medium|high]
[remote-address ip=
Parameters link-type FC|iSCSI
Optional. Specifies the type of ports being used for the inter-system link:
FC: FC ports.
iSCSI: iSCSI ports.
Optional. The number of replication images to consider when determining the next image to
replicate: 1–64. Used only if the on-collision parameter is set to oldest.
max-retry-time #
Optional; valid only if the on-error parameter is set to retry. Maximum time in seconds to retry
a single replication if an error occurs. Allowed values are 0–64000. A value of 0 means do not time
out retries; that is, retry forever. By default, a retry will occur 5 minutes after an error occurs. If
another error occurs and the difference in time between when the error occurs and the initial retry
time is greater than the max-retry-time value, the replication will be suspended. In order to
prevent a replication set from suspending when multiple independent, discontinuous errors occur
during a single replication, set max-retry-time for the secondary volume either to 0 (retry
forever) or to 60 minutes for each 10GB of volume size. The default is 1800 (30 minutes).
Optional. The interval in seconds at which the primary volume should query the secondary volume.
Values less than 300 (5 minutes) or greater than 1800 (30 minutes) are not recommended.
on-collision newest|oldest
Optional. The collision policy to use when the image queue depth is met:
newest: Only the latest replication image should be considered for the next replication
oldest: Only the latest N replication images should be considered for the next replication
operation, where N is defined by the max-queue parameter and the oldest of these images
should be considered first.
on-error retry|suspend
Optional. The error policy to use when errors occur during the replication process:
retry: Retry the operation for the time specified in the max-retry-time parameter.
suspend: Suspend the replication operation.
priority low|medium|high
Optional. The priority of the replication process for the replication volume: low, medium, or high.