HP ProLiant Storage Server with Windows Storage Server 2003 R2 release notes (March 2006)

Storage Server with Windows Storage Server 2003 R2 release notes 13
Issue: Unexpected reporting of moved mailstores during configuration change
Description While using the Remote Storage Wizard from the Exchange System Manager
and performing a configuration change, a report stating that the wizard is
moving all files may be shown.
Workaround The report generated is erroneous. During configuration changes, no data files
are moved.
Issue: Copy fails when moving multiple mailstores
Description When moving multiple mailstores in the same storage group to the same
Exchange path, the copy fails if both mailstore databases have the same
filename (but different original paths). For example, you are unable to copy
mailstore1 (c:\one\priv1.edb) and mailstore2 (c:\two\priv1.edb) to
the same Exchange share.
Workaround Make sure that you use different filenames for the mailstores.
Issue: Incorrect configuration summary report seen when moving individual mailstores
Description When using the Microsoft wizard provided in the Feature Pack to move a single
mailstore to a Windows Storage Server 2003 storage server device from an
Exchange server hosting several different mailstores, the wizard may report that
all files will be moved.
Workaround This is erroneous. Only the files selected for relocation are moved.