HP Matrix Operating Environment 7.2 Infrastructure Orchestration User Guide

2. Select a network from the list, and click Edit.
3. From the Deployment Server list, select an SA satellite (for example, (SA).)
4. In Boot Network, select Yes, and save the configuration.
5. In infrastructure orchestration designer, create or edit a template, and edit the network
configuration to select the network from step 2.
Default memory setting
The default minimum memory setting for templates that use the SA server to deploy software is 512
MB. This value can be changed in the ..\Program Files\HP\Matrix infrastructure
orchestration\conf\hpio.properties file. Search for the following lines:
# Template Config minimum MB "Memory size:" for SA agent install
Configuring an environment for virtual provisioning
Virtual provisioning requires a correctly configured and licensed virtual machine host that is
discovered and visible in Systems Insight Manager. Run either ESX or Hyper-V on the virtual machine
host. You can also manage Integrity VM using infrastructure orchestration (see “Setting up an
Integrity virtual machine network” (page 42)).
For more information, see the HP BladeSystem Matrix How-To Guide: ESX Host Provisioning at the
following website:
For virtual logical server provisioning to perform correctly, infrastructure orchestration limits the
number of virtual logical servers that are sent concurrently to hypervisors for provisioning. The limit
is determined by the value of the corresponding hypervisor max.concurrent.requests attribute
in the hpio.properties file located in ..\Program Files\HP\Matrix infrastructure
The following table shows the default values for each hypervisor type. Increasing the default values
for ESX and Integrity VM might cause virtual logical server provisioning to fail unexpectedly.
Can this value be safely increased?Default number of virtual maximum concurrent requestsHypervisor
Yes, if SCVMM is not used.
Increase this value to 10 to improve
Nointegrityvm.max.concurrent.requests=2Integrity VM
If Microsoft SCVMM templates are used to provision operating systems to Hyper-V VMs, this default value should remain
at 5.
For each virtual logical server, infrastructure orchestration supports up to 14 private disks or 15
shared disks.
Provisioning a Linux VM on Hyper-V
Matrix infrastructure orchestration supports provisioning a Linux VM on Hyper-V, but IO does not
personalize the VM. IO does not set the host name, or configure the NICs for DHCP or static IP.
After provisioning, you must personalize the Linux VM.
To enable provisioning Linux VMs on Hyper-V, perform the following steps:
40 Installation and configuration