HP Integrity Virtual Machines 4.2: Installation, Configuration, and Administration

virtual storage, 101
adding virtual storage, 120
admin privileges, 147
guest, 119
VM Host, 119
Agile device names, 43
APA, using, 128
running on guests, 21
running on VM Host, 21
attachable devices
specifying, 117
attached devices, 102
attached I/O, 95
Auto Port Aggregation (see APA)
autoboot, 60
Automatic cell balancing, 47
automatic memory reallocation, 159
using, 19
bundle names, 28
CD/DVD burner, virtual, 95
characteristics of virtual machines, 44
cloning guests
VLAN information, 136
cloning virtual machines, 59
cluster in a box configuration, 188
Cold-install, 37
configuration files
for guests, 151
configuring virtual networks , 133
configuring virtual storage, 102
creating HP-UX guests, 65
troubleshooting, 69
creating Linux guests, 81
creating virtual machines, 43
example of, 54
troubleshooting, 64
creating virtual networks, 127
creating virtual storage devices, 93
creating VLANs, 135
creating vswitches, 128
creating Windows guests, 71
deleting devices, 163
deleting virtual storage, 121
deleting vswitches, 131
device database, 161
managing, 161
deleting, 163
replacing, 163
restricting, 163
sharing, 162
virtual storage, 102
disk space
VM Host requirements, 28
documentation, 23
dynamic memory, 151
entitlement, 46
guest administrator, 119
commands, 119
guest configuration
changing, 56
guest configuration files, 151
guest console
providing access to, 147
guest CPU allocation, 45
guest management software
installing, 148
guest networks
setting up, 132
guest operating system, 45
guest user, 120
guest-based VLANs, 138
guests, 17
local networks for, 130
log files, 161
managing, 141
monitoring, 144
removing, 63
running applications on, 21
hardware requirements, 27
HP-UX guests
creating, 65
installing, 65
installing guest management software, 68
hpvmclone command, 59
options, 59
hpvmcollect command, 209, 211
options, 209, 211
hpvmconsole command, 133
options, 148, 150
using, 147
hpvmcreate command, 53
options, 54
hpvmdevmgmt command, 162