HP Integrity Virtual Machines 4.2: Installation, Configuration, and Administration

Verifies the new virtual machine configuration and returns
warnings or errors but does not create the virtual machine.
Specifies whether the new virtual machine uses dynamic
memory and the values associated with it by including the
following keywords:
-x dynamic_memory_control={0|1}
-x ram_dyn_type={none|any|driver}
-x ram_dyn_min=amount
-x ram_dyn_max=amount
-x ram_dyn_target_start=amount
Specifies whether the virtual machine's dynamic
memory settings are automatically adjusted. The
ram_dyn_entitlement and amr_enable options must
be set to enable adjustments.
-x ram_dyn_entitlement=amount
Specifies the minimum guaranteed amount of
-x amr_enable={0|1}
Enables or disables AMR monitoring for a guest,
where 1 enables and 0 disables. The monitor (amr
daemon) adjusts the guest size and take its entitlement
into account.
- x amr_chunk_size=amount
Specifies the increment amount of changes in memory
size (default is 256 MB). Larger values result in faster
memory size growth.
-x mac_address={new|same}
-x serial_number={new|same}
-x sched_preference={none|cell|ilm}
none The default preference. If your application
is predominantly CPU bound, specifying either
ilm or cell will perform the same.
cell — The cell with the most CPU and memory
space is chosen. When that guest is active, the
scheduler then optimizes where the guest runs,
so that it can be closest to its memory.
ilm — Indicates that guests that are larger than
any single cell and contain highly threaded
-x graceful_stop_timeout={0|amount}
Used for Online VM Migration:
-x migrate_init_phase_timeout={number of
seconds} — Specifies the maximum number of
seconds the online migration spends during the