HP-UX Virtual Partitions 6.0 Administrator Guide

Table 7 Options with the vparcreate command. (continued)
Specifies the IP address to connect to the Virtual iLO Remote Console of the virtual
partition. The address must be in IPv4 dot notation. If the -K option is specified,
the -L option must also be specified.
If the console_ip is not set, the remote console is not started. The console can only
be accessed from the VSP, that is, the virtual console can be accessed only using
the vparconsole command.
-K console_ip
NOTE: It is necessary to have a valid user account on the VSP (even if those
accounts have restricted shells) to be able to access the remote console.
The IP address assigned for the remote console must be in the same subnet as
that of the VSP. An IP logical (secondary) interface will be created on the VSP.
Used with the -K option. It specifies the IPv4 subnet mask to use for accessing
the Virtual iLO Remote Console for the specified virtual partition.
-L netmask
Specifies console group authorization. A VSP user account that is a member of
this group can use the vparconsole command to manage the virtual partition.
-g group:{admin|oper}
The group attribute specifies the name of the group. The argument specifies the
privilege level admin or oper available at the console of the virtual partition.
If you do not specify the user or group authorization, only the root user has access
to the virtual console.
Specifies console user authorization. A VSP user account specified here can use
the vparconsole command to manage the virtual partition. The user attribute
-u user:{admin|oper}
specifies the user name. The argument specifies the privilege level — admin or
oper — available at the virtual console.
If you do not specify user or group authorization, only the root user has access
to the virtual console.
Indicates whether the configuration of a vPar is active or inactive. By default, a
configuration created using the vparcreate command is considered active.
-x active_config={true |
If the active_config=false is set, the configuration of a virtual partition
(including the resources assigned exclusively to the virtual partition using the –a
option) is created in a standby mode, without actually consuming the resources.
To start such a virtual partition, active_config=true must be set.
Example 7 Create a new virtual partition called Oslo
Create the new partition Oslo in the local system, specifying 1 GB of memory, 2 CPUs and virtual
I/O resources.
vparcreate -p Oslo -a mem::1024 -a cpu::2 -a \
disk:avio_stor::disk:/dev/rdisk/disk3 -a \
The vparmodify command allows you to rename a virtual partition or modify the resources of a
virtual partition. Table 8 (page 23) describes the options you can use with the vparmodify
Table 8 Options with the vparmodify command.
Specifies the virtual partition to be modified. The vpar_id can be either the
name or the number of virtual partition.
-p vpar_id
Adds resources to a virtual partition.
If a value is not specified, the default value for CPU is 1, and for memory it
is 2 GB.
-a rsrc
VSP commands 23