HP Insight Dynamics 6.0 Getting Started Guide

NOTE: This operation may take a long time to complete.
4. If necessary, correct the number of per-core or per-socket licenses assigned to the systems,
using vselicense with the -m and -c options, as described above.
To migrate and apply unused HP Integrity Linux or HP Integrity Windows LTUs, follow these
1. Execute the following command on the CMS (note that multiple -n sys options can be
vselicense -l key -n sys -p prod
where key is the license key provided with the LTU product prod.
NOTE: This operation may take a long time to complete.
2. If necessary, correct the number of per-core or per-socket licenses assigned to the systems,
using vselicense with the -m and -c options, as described above.
NOTE: Changes made by vselicense may not show up in the product's user interface until
you refresh the data (click the Refresh Data link in Capacity Advisor, or the Refresh Data icon
in the Visualization tab).
After migration to the License Manager database, your previously purchased LTUs will appear
in the HP SIM License Manager under the following new license names:
HP Insight Dynamics - VSE suite for Integrity
Migrated from:
T2786AC HP VSE Suite for HP-UX 11i LTU
HP Insight Virtualization Manager software
Migrated from:
T2782AC HP Virtualization Manager for HP-UX LTU
T2806AC HP Virtualization Manager for Integrity Windows
T2783AC HP Virtualization Manager for Integrity Linux
HP Insight Capacity Advisor software
Migrated from:
T2784AC HP Capacity Advisor for HP-UX LTU
T2807AC HP Capacity Advisor for Integrity Windows
T2785AC HP Capacity Advisor for Integrity Linux
HP Insight Global Workload Manager software for Integrity
Migrated from:
T2762AA HP Global Workload Manager Agent LTU
Use the HP SIM License Manager to view the status of these licenses (select Deploy -> License
Manager... from the HP SIM menu, then select one of the new license names, as shown in the
preceding list).
The vselicense command recognizes the following options.
-t|--tempLicense Apply a trial license for Insight Dynamics - VSE for Integrity
to the systems identified by the -n options. When Insight
Dynamics is installed on the CMS, 10 trial licenses for the HP
Insight Dynamics - VSE suite for Integrity are included in
the License Manager database. These licenses can be applied
to HP Integrity and HP 9000 systems. Each trial license is valid
for 90 days after it is applied to a managed system. To
52 Command reference